Vista: Grand Cayman
The day before yesterday I set my phone to not change time automatically. It worked great for yesterday. When my phone died and got recharged I guess that got reset some how. It was on eastern. I forgot to change it last night. So today I was up and ready for my 6:45 excursion meeting at 5:45. I was in the buffet looking at a closed omelet station that opens at 6:30 at 6:35 (really 5:35) like what the heck? I scarfed down a banana and started to head to the coffee shop when I saw one of the ship clocks.
Just making sure.

Some casino pictures while nobody is in it.

My window is fixed.

And they called my excursion at 6:55am. To the water shuttle!
I really hate the tender/water shuttle in Belize. It’s so long and boring. You have to listen to the same speech from the water shuttle crew each time. Grand Cayman was much better. A shorter ride and no speech.

One of my windows.

When you get off of the shuttle/water taxi you can see the people with the excursion signs.

I found mine. The Sensational Stingray swim.

They lined you up by telling you to go to a colored smilie. They called mine the aqua blue smilie. Then they gave us stickers to wear.

This was a nightmare. We got in line at 7:29. We didn’t leave until 8am. First they told us they wanted us to sign the back of our ticket indicating we were told the waters could be rough. Then they passed around a clipboard for us to sign. Then they wanted to count the number of people in line vs the number of tickets. They came up short on people. It turned out a few had wandered off to talk to friends. Then they told us we were waiting on three more people from the ship. Finally we just left them.
The bus seemed kind of small. I was thinking there’s no way we’re all fitting in this thing.

As they get down to just a few seats left they pull the two most…rotund members of the group out and give them those seats. It looks like the bus is full right? Wrong. They have these little jump seats that fold down into the aisle. And they say “you small people sit on the jump seats.” I should’ve taken a picture in there but I didn’t think about it. It was only a 5-10 min ride but it wasn’t very comfortable.
Three people didn’t fit. They had to get on another bus and they were mad because they boarded back of the line to front. So the three people that were first in line were the ones left out of this fun ride. I think they came out better on a different bus.
The shuttle dropped us off at Camana Bay.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

After a 5-10 minute wait on our tour guide, it was a short walk through the shops to our boat.

It was about a 30 minute boat ride to Stingray City. Here are the first six.
This was the changing area on the boat. You see the lock on the outside? I can’t tell you how many times that lock was undone and someone would be trying to get in it. And they say “well you’d think they’d lock it if they’re using it.”
Stingray City

On the way back we were iguana hunting.

When we got off the boat I was moving with a purpose. I didn’t want a jump seat on the ride back.
We get there and waiting on us are big beautiful buses!
I took a seat in the back and had an entire row to myself and extra leg room.

After they dropped us off I walked around town a bit before returning to the ship.

I had seen a bunch of people going into this little church so I decided to check it out.

I decided to grab a local beer before getting back on the ship. They’re getting more and more expensive. This one was $7.

This is for anyone interested in the excursions you can walk off the ship and buy.

CD Matt Mitchem was waiting for us by the water shuttle with his “free hugs” shirt. I got him with my wet clothes.
Here is the tender/water shuttle ride back.

A look at the tender/water shuttle operating from my cabin.

Lunch at Cucina Del Capitano.
That bread is different than on Dream and Breeze.

The Tides Bar
Mark from the Alchemy is working the Tides bar right now. It’s kind of weird having him make me one of these drinks but my sail away drink today is the cruiser.

Alchemy Bar
I’ve moved to the Alchemy bar for a pre-dinner drink.


Clam chowder, crab cake, filet mignon, grand marnier soufflé.


Alchemy Bar
This is a cherry rum drink from Mark.

BlackBerry vodka drink from Milan.

A rum drink from Milan.

Signs of the upgraded internet are everywhere.

Another drink from Milan.

Comedy Club
I’m hitting the late adult comedy show. It’s packed. It’s gone to standing room only. This is the 3rd show of the night for Diane Ford. I had her on the Dream in December so I’ve probably already seen it.
Havana Bar
After comedy decided to try something from Havana so I’m trying a papa doble.

I brought back a grilled ham and cheese from the deli. It’s more like a baked ham and cheese.