Venezia Transatlantic: Travel Day
Good Morning! On recent trips I have been parking in the remote south parking lot at DFW airport. This time I’m going with express south. This lot is costing me an extra dollar per day for this trip.
The express lot advantages are more shuttles, shuttles that only go to your terminal, and they pick you up and drop you off at your parking space. The person working the booth will tell you which row to park on, then immediately radio a shuttle bus driver to pick you up.
It was quick. If anything I felt a little rushed getting things out of my car because the shuttle was waiting on me.
There were just three of us on the shuttle and it dropped me right where I needed to be.
Air Canada allows 50lbs but I wanted to be under 40 so I’ll be good for my flight home on Spirit.
Security says 10 minutes wait time for the general line but there are only 15 people in front of me. It’s a 2-minute wait for TSA pre-check.
It was a 20 minute wait for Chick-Fil-A and they were out of Chicken Minis. I found a nice quiet spot in a BBQ place that is closed.
Boarding should start at any moment.
This is very civil. I’m used to people crowding around the entrance. I wonder if it’s the nice Canadians.
I paid an extra $50 for an exit row preferred seat with additional leg room.
Totally worth it.
That’s the alternative.
Another factor in picking this seat is there are two seat rows on this side and three seat rows on the other side.
I left my regular headphones in my other bag. They have them for sale on this flight.
Power options.
The lady next to me reclined her seat 7 minutes before takeoff. Now she’s talking on her phone during announcements and taxi.
She’s been told to put her bag under the seat and it’s out again. Talking on the phone during the safety video. She shouldn’t be in an exit row. If there’s a problem its going to be all on me. I’ll let her open the door. Maybe she wasn’t listening when the Flight Attendant said if you don’t let go you could fly out with it.

I’ll play some Blackjack.
9:45am beverage service.
Diet Coke. I guess they don’t use ice in Canada.
It took about 40 minutes to lose that $1,000 on blackjack.
It looks like we’re running early so we can add another 10 minutes onto my six hour layover.

The airport has complimentary WiFi.

Yeah. Tastes like ketchup.
If you like a plate of fries with ketchup all over, this might be the chip for you. But if you’re a dipper. Half ketchup half no ketchup, this might be too much ketchup.
Let’s try the all dressed.
That flavor is very familiar. I want to say sour cream and onion. It’s very similar.

Boarding has begun.

The only problem here is that’s the bathroom in front of me so people are going to be standing here constantly. Also, with the TV thing there are four seats here and only two TVs.
I took some bad advice on seats. I read that the aisle seat behind first class didn’t have additonal legroom. It looks like it actually does plus they have a TV screen for each seat and it isn’t by the bathroom.
We actually took off at 9pm. At 10 our meal service began. We had a chicken or pasta option. I went with chicken.
Wooden utensils.
The chicken was actually pretty good.

Fortunately, turbulence is coming up and the seatbelt sign is going to come back up.
Well, the seatbelt sign isn’t stopping them. But it’s about 1 at at time instead of 3-4. The Flight Attendant tried to stop one guy but nothing was stopping him.
11:30 flight map. 38,000 feet. 504 knots.
I got some sleep here. But every time someone opened the bathroom door, it woke me up.
2am flight map. 38,000 feet. 452 knots.
This guy from the aisle behind me almost face planted going to the bathroom. He got his foot caught on his bag handle under his seat and the only thing that saved him was the flight attendant’s seat.
Actually, it’s the same guy who didn’t listen to the flight attendant when she told him not to go to the bathroom during the turbulence.
The guy next to me has a little bit of a B.O. problem. It’s not constant but every now and then you get that whiff of locker room after football practice. I’m guessing he got an early start and skipped the shower. Not a good way to go. Hopefully when we part ways the o stays with the b.

3:15 beverage service. I need hydration so I’m going water.
I made it the entire flight without going to the bathroom. I only drank the mini bottle of water and a little cup of Diet Coke.
I have firsthand knowledge that the bathroom has been used 5,000 times. Some of those times were during turbulence. I have no interest in using it.
3:50 30 mins till landing. We just started a very aggressive descent from 36,000 feet. None of that gradual stuff.
4am flight map. 21,000 feet 380 knots

The baggage complaint guy is telling everybody they’re backed up. It will be on the carousel it was supposed to be on…when they get to it.

Security let me step out of here grab a snack and coffee and come back.

A loud cheer just erupted. That was a four hour wait for my luggage but at least I have it.