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Summer Jubilee: Day 1

March 14, 2025

I just boarded Carnival Jubilee in Galveston. The first place I headed was my room to drop off my bags. Rooms aren’t ready until 1:30. Sometimes I get lucky and the room is ready and the steward is there telling me I can take my keycard. Today is not one of those days.

I dropped off my bag and left a note.

Here is today’s Fun Times



Now I’m off to find food. The Buffet isn’t crowded yet.

This is the buffet menu.

The Big Chicken line isn’t bad either.

I got a Shaq Attack.

It feels like this guy is on just about every Jubilee cruise. I looked him up and apparently he’s known as Houston’s Tan Man.

I haven’t seen either of these comedians but I do know who they are. The Jersey the Haitian sensation and Richie from South Carolina.

After eating I headed to my muster station which is Chibang. The last time I was on Jubilee they just asked if I knew how to put on a life jacket and showed me where they were stored. This time we’re doing the full tutorial.

We have steel drum entertainment in Grand Central.

Soccer and Golf are on in the Hero’s Lounge.

The aft pool on deck 8 is not open yet.

That’s Carnival Dream behind us.

I’m in the market for a coffee cup if I see the right one. I donated mine to the Original Streetcar people in Skagway.

It looks like they’re preparing for a wedding in the Havana Bar.

I headed back up to lido and grabbed a Funship Special.

My suitcase has arrived and my room is now ready.

Pre-Covid my Travel Agent Onboard Credit was actual Onboard Credit. Since Covid it’s been Cruise Cash. I don’t know why. 

While I was in the room I showered, changed, and unpacked.

I didn’t plan on eating again before dinner but I see street eats open. I’m just going to get a dumpling.

They can’t wait to cover up the big window. This will never not make me mad. “Yeah let’s make this spot with a great view and then cover it up all day.” Tomorrow we’ll get the window until the morning show. Probably around 10am then it will be covered up the rest of the day.

It should be called the grand view two hours a day bar.

The Guest Services line is crazy. It goes all the way back to Rudy’s Sea Grill.

Dr. Inks and golden mermaid only serve three drinks on embarkation day.

Percy Crews 2 is another comedian on the ship. He’s good.

It’s time for the Sail Away Party.
We just passed Mariner of the Seas.

The Pilot Boat took some shots in rough seas.

We could be watching sail away out this huge window. I guess they want to have this ready three hours early so this is what you have to look at during sail away.

I decided to just use my free drink on something I know I’ll like.

I asked for a filthy martini with blue cheese olives. I don’t even think this is dirty.

I think an alchemist is being slick acting like she remembers me. She says “You were on this ship before right?” Yeah in February. She walks away. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t here in February. That was the first group the people I know that opened Mardi Gras and Celebration. I was barely at this bar on that cruise. I did the menu at Dr. Inks and Golden Mermaid before I visited the Alchemy that cruise. I think I made it here on the last sea day. How did she know I was here you ask? The fun shops aren’t open yet and I’m wearing my Jubilee Inaugural Season shirt.
I met my steward. I think she said to call her Sue, but she may have said to call her Soup. Her name starts with Sup so it could be either one.
They did not stock this room with wine glasses which I am going to need tonight.  I bring wine on Carnival out of Galveston since the drink package doesn’t kick in until day 2.
I requested a dinner table at 6:05. Got the less than 10 minute wait message so I went to the sitting area out in front of the steakhouse which is also close to the dining room. It took almost 30 minutes to get a table though.

Roasted tomato soup. 

Shrimp cocktail

This is where it gets weird. They bring out the main course before my salad and they ask if I want my salad now as well. I certainly don’t want it after the main course so I said yes, I’ll take the salad now.

The short ribs are overcooked.

The “Ultimate Cobb salad” is barely a Cobb salad. You really have to hunt for the elements that would make it a Cobb salad.

I didn’t order dessert.

I had problems with the MDR on this ship last time. I might just be going Chibang and Italian the rest of the way. Maybe give them one more chance tomorrow since it’s elegant.

Walked through the buffet all of this was on the MDR menu.

Comedy host “Haha Helen.”


United in Song in Grand Central.


I grabbed a real wine glass after the comedy show.

It’s definitely peach. It’s not bad.

Dear Future husband is the show tonight. It’s the newest show that came out with Jubilee. I saw it last time.

PG comedy host Raffy Taffy from Philly.

There are seats available although those small chairs at the counter are not comfortable for adults.


I came back for Jersey’s second show at 10pm because his first one wasn’t scripted so I know this is going to be a different show with a different group of people.

The pizza line is back to Guest Services. They must have messed up a lot of food today.

The Backyard Band in the Pig & Anchor.

I got in the pizza line. They moved it in 10 minutes just cranking out cheese and pepperoni. 

What I’ve been doing on this class of ship is stopping in the buffet at the end of the night to get a Pepsi and walking to my room on lido. Last time they made it tricky by turning off all of the drink stations but one at night and you never knew which one.  Guess what they’re doing now? They’re shutting them all off so now the drink station by the pizza place is the only one on late at night. I’m not walking back down there with this pizza then back up here. 

I went down to deck 8 before late night comedy, dropped my plate off and got two lemonades.

This is late night comedy with Richie and Jersey.

After comedy I went to bed. Tomorrow is a sea day. Good night!


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