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Spirit: Day 2

July 1, 2024

The room was pretty quiet last night and this morning. I have an interesting location. I don’t have anyone next to me. I don’t have anyone behind me. We’ll see how it goes the rest of the week but so far so good.

I heard a whistling in the hallway. I walked around to the other side of the ship and found it was this door. I’m glad I’m on the other side of the ship because it’s much louder here.

I found the laundry room in the back of the ship on deck 4.

$3.50 wash/dry, $2.00 supplies.

I asked the people across from the laundry room how the whistling door was for them. They’re about two doors down. They said they can’t hear it until they open their door

Here is today’s Fun Times.

There is some god awful singing coming out of the dining room. Is it a brunch showtime? It sounds like karaoke.

I’m trying to figure out where the line is. There are people to the left, people to the right, and people in front. Finally the barista tells us it goes down the right side.

The Wave morning show with Rico. He’s offering a prize for who can bring him a breakfast burrito.

The brunch wait looks rough. 40-50 minutes. I’ll check in now.

I requested a table at 9:47. It’s  already down to a 30-40 minute wait.

Caleb from Kentucky comes in with a breakfast burrito.

The Kentucky group goes wild. A guy stands up and screams “Go Big Blue.” I guess he’s from Michigan.

Rico asks Caleb who he’s cruising with. Caleb says “Carnival”

Another burrito comes in. It’s another person from Kentucky. They both got ships on a stick.

That only took 10 minutes.

I stopped by the casino for a breakfast drink.

While I’m standing in line waiting my turn multiple people end up walking around the line. It’s very annoying.

She starts to walk me to my table and warns me it’s a large round table. I tell her I didn’t select the shared table option. I want a private table. She walks me back to the front says she will request a private table for me. I need to refresh my app and wait again. I tell her I already requested a private table. 

The wait is under 10 minutes so I’m just going to stand off to the side.

That was a 7 minute wait before I had my private table

None of the QR codes I’ve tried on this ship work. They do have the menus in the app but not for everything.

Flaming tomato soup

Oh no. Singing again. It’s the same song I heard coming down the stairs this morning.

Huervos rancheros with a side of hash browns and what was supposed to be crispy bacon but it’s not.

You can make your own judgement on the entertainment. Maybe you like it.

Trivia looks popular.

The fun aboard, fun ashore presentation is happening in the main theater. Rico is talking about Groove for St. Jude. They have the new shirts. I already got one of the new ones on Jubilee.

Thriller dance class in the atrium.

I heard you have to put your hand in your jacket in this room.

Raise your hand if you want a spicy bloody mary.

This art class is extremely popular and something I haven’t seen on other ships. It’s early in the morning on sea days and fills up fast but if it’s full and you really want to do it, show up and see if there’s a spot because people sign up but don’t show. It is free of charge.

I found some places on deck 3. Fun shops. Unless I missed it they don’t have ship ornaments.

This is the piano bar.

The stairs are in front of the piano bar. Right down there is where they do triva. Under the stairs is the Skybox Sports Bar and the Red Frog Pub.

The arcade is next to the piano bar.

The Jungle is a walkway at the front of the ship that goes around the theater. Not surprisingly I see playlist cast members hanging out in there.

You actually can’t set your drink on the little table right now. It will slide off in these rough waters.

Watch your head when you get up from that seat.

I wanted to try out the upper deck seats in the theater. the seats are good. The legroom is not great.

The front row is the way to go.

These seats are spacious.

I stopped by pixels to pick up my gift and pin.

Serenity is behind the buffet on lido deck. Similar to Carnival Splendor.

There’s also a second coffee bar up here.

Today’s buffet lunch menu

It’s the dumbest thing. It’s cold. it’s raining. The captain said conditions are expected to remain the same for 12 hours. Why is the roof open?

I got the same response on Jubilee. “Do you have any local beers.” Oh yeah we have Miller Lite, Coors Light, Mich Ultra. “No I mean beer from here.” Oh yeah we have Parched Pig Amber, IPA…

The old Alabama welcome menu had beer from Birmingham. When yesterday’s didn’t I figured they didn’t have any local beers in this ship anymore, but I thought I would try.

For lunch I’m going with a burrito from Blue Iguana.

This is the Chinese place they have in the buffet. It’s buffet style which I don’t like but I may have to try it one of these days.

Cake selection

The Alchemy is open and there are some available seats. It’s early but I will become friends with these two at the bar before the cruise is over.

This is Hearts of Fire from the Alchemy menu.

The spelling isn’t right but nobody has spelled more words than Havanna White.

I moved to the comedy club for some afternoon laughs. This is their Sweet Spicy Jester.

Zanie Zombie

Comedy host Chrish or Krish I think.

Mark Yaffee

After comedy I went to the room and took a shower and got into my evening wear so the steward can clean. I like to get that second shower before the towels are replaced.

Dirty martini with blue cheese olives.

I’m hearing a rumor that the motor may be broken on the roof.

This one is a very dirty martini with blue cheese olives.

I guess Leyla thought the monkey should get a good shot. She set this up.

They are packed in now.

This solo guitarist is pretty good. He’s about to start an Elvis tribute.

I was telling these people at the bar about how Carnival Spirit got its name. That when it was being built one of the ship builders was killed while building it and his spirit haunts the ship. When the seas are rough you can hear him whistling on deck 4.

Lord almighty I feel my temperature rising.

I was wanting to eat 7-7:30. Maybe I’ll request a table at say 6:30. That should get me in there 7-7:30.

I just asked for something sweet with vodka or rum this time. It’s good.

You can tell it’s dinner time. This place cleared out. Three at the bar and maybe 10 in the rest of the seating areas.

A sure way to tell a ship goes to Australia is beer taps at the Alchemy. They don’t use them here though.

Leyla seems disappointed I went away from the dirty martini. I had Elvin make this one. Actually I don’t know his name but he looks like Elvin from the Cosby show.  Jefferson A.K.A. Elvin

I’m back to the extra dirty martini from Leyla. 

The Captain’s Welcome is starting in the atrium.

I had to stand through a photo shoot to walk upstairs. A Carnival photographer is trying to do it but a family member is doing a bootleg shoot. Finally they moved to one side so I could get by.

The Captain’s Toast.

The timing worked out kind of perfect where I got to see the toast and get to dinner.

I had the dealer put an S on my car so when I drive around people say “look at that S car go!”

I believe the lower floor is used for assigned dining and they’re between services right now.

Iceberg salad

Shrimp cocktail

And they’re starting to seat.

Grilled shrimp and fish cake

Grand Marnier souffle

Motown music party hosted by Rico.

We have more than a full house for Thea Vidale PG comedy.

Hey Kentucky is on. And no Kentucky people are here. I think that’s a replay.

This will be my last of the night.

88 Keys is in the main theater.

There is plenty of space available for the late show.

I decided to get a comfortable seat in the comedy club. It’s back to back comedy basically with Marc at 1030 and Thea at 11:15. I’ll be here for an hour and a half.

They just announced Marc is repeating the show he did last night. I’ve been here 20 mins. Ugh. Does that dude only have one show out of decades of comedy? I know Thea said in her PG show that hers would be different than last night.

Comedy host Crish or Krish.

Mark Yaffee

Flower Power? I wish these characters would sit on the front row

Thea Vidale

Let’s check out the night club.

That’s how you get down to the dance floor.

I’m off to bed. Tomorrow we’re in Bimini. Good night! 


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