Regal Princess: Cozumel
Good morning. The Captain just announced we are going to be 30-60 minutes late arriving in Cozumel. Here are the views from my balcony.
Here is today’s schedule of events.
There’s just one in the coffee line. A few in the pick up line.
I’m trying the butter pecan latte.
Anytime there’s a line at the dining room I just go to the other side and there never is one there.
Again they asked if I wanted to share a table. No thank you.
I’m not a big fan of the breakfast menu. I would like to see a waffle, French toast, a breakfast sandwich of some type. I don’t feel like I’m asking for anything crazy. Those are pretty standard items.
Tropical fruit cup.
I do have a window seat today.
Ham and cheese omelet.
The ship layout and where my room is located really clicked for me last night. I’m using the elevator closest to my room now. Going to the right side of the ship. I know which floor I need to go to for everything. It took a day or so to get it all down.
This is the casino.
It looks like we got some rain last night.
There are two Royal Caribbean ships in port with us. No other ships are docked with us in Puerta Maya.
This is what they have at the International Cafe for sandwiches. It’s basically what they have at the Java blue on Mardi Gras and Celebration.
The steward was here while I was at breakfast
I just got some exciting news from this under the door mail.
I just noticed they don’t have anything in the room to sign with. Not even the mini golf pencil Carnival has reduced us to. It’s not a big deal because I bring my own pens. But it’s an observation.
I wonder what that $5.90 is? The only thing it could possibly be is the two waters I got last night. Those should be included in Princess Plus.
The $5.90 charge was for water. I stopped by guest services and they removed it. Watch your account closely if you sail Princess. I hear that sort of thing happens a lot.

I ended up going to La Mission for a few Sols, some chips and salsa, and fish tacos.

I walked around downtown for a bit. It’s pretty dead. It’s just us and the two Royal ships. There are no ships docked downtown.
Apparently there’s a casino here now.
The new Senor Frogs.
I don’t remember this place with the pole dancing.

I decided to try their Ocean Now ordering system while I was in the shower.

And they brought me a bottle opener.
But I already have one.
While I was waiting for that order I was trying to take a quick shower. Phone rings. I think it’s them to tell me it’s on the way. I jump out of the shower and run to the phone. It’s dining confirming my Chef’s Table.
William on Lido knows my name.
I wanted to try their pizza. The problem is they make big pizzas and if there isn’t high demand, you end up with old pizza. Even if they have fresh ones come out they serve up the old stuff first. By the time they get to a fresh one it’s been there 30 minutes. I finally got at a fresh one. I didn’t want to do this one because it looks exactly like Carnival’s Quattro. But it’s all I’m going to get fresh anytime soon. It’s their daily special which is a four cheese.
You see a lot of concerts on the schedule. This is Mumford and Son.
Fresh Magherita!
When the pizza is fresh, I like this better than Carnival or NCL.
All aboard was 20 minutes ago. We have some stragglers.
My remote wasn’t working so I called the steward and he brought me another one. I put on Deck the Halls. An underrated Christmas movie in my opinion.
It sounds like one of the Royal ships is about to leave.
It looks like we are leaving with Mariner of the Seas.
They did not have these in the store yesterday. I’m going to grab one now while they have them.
The main show tonight is an Elvis impersonator.
I’m not a big Elvis fan so wasn’t sure I was going to go. But decided to stop by. I was five minutes late and it was packed!
I decided to watch some from a standing spot.
Steel drum in the atrium.
The restaurant manager just came over and told me they have a free bottle of wine for me. I tried to find out why. He just said Princess cruises sent a note to give me a bottle of wine. He asked if I wanted it tonight or another night. I told him another night.
They have two of these interactive boards in each elevator lobby. You can hold your medallion to the plate on the left and get your specific information.
The other board shows location. I just like to peek at this one when I walk by because it shows everything going on right now.
They are going to be doing a time change tonight and maintenance tomorrow. I have the long excursion in Belize so the maintenance won’t bother me.
It seems early to be getting this on day 3 of 7. I would normally get this more around day 6.
I was here for this but it’s not here….
This is the other board.
I stopped at Crooner’s for some beers. This is a French beer I liked when I was in London.
Now I’m here for this but it’s not here.
I guess I’m the only one that didn’t get the memo. Maybe this is why the 9pm event didn’t happen here.
I stopped by Crooners for more beer.
I’m off to bed. Tomorrow we’re in Belize. Good night!
I walked they buffet. They have a pretty nice looking cooked to order waffle station and the omelet station has a sign “Benedict’s available on request.” Do I really want to fight the lines in the buffet every morning? And potentially two lines if I decide I want two things. No. But we’ll see.