Planet Hollywood Cancun: Day 5
Good morning!

Since there aren’t great ocean views from the first floor of my building, I’m going to cheat a little this morning and check out the views from some of the other buildings.

This is building 11 which is being used for adult scene guests who book Star Class.

There’s a good view of the Adult Scene pool from up here.

Here is the schedule of events for today.

And the weather.

There’s no Fuel line this morning.

I just grabbed one coffee to carry over to a building on the family side of the resort. I’ll be back for more fuel later.

From here you have a good view of the water park. That’s the mini golf course in front of the water park. The kid’s club is to the left of mini golf. Guy’s burgers is behind the water park to the left. The building on the right with the dome is Gusto Italian restaurant. The structure with the hut looking roof on the left is the family pool bar. And way off in the distance past the water you can see Isla Mujeres.

Let’s take a closer look at the water park before the kids come out.

This is the kids club which is right by the water park. We saw the back side of it the other day with the playground.

I stopped for some more fuel. I’m going to take these to the buffet.

In the buffet I found raisin pancakes with banana syrup. This is my favorite breakfast so far.

Spicy Bloody Mary.

This is the far end of the adult scene pool area.

I infiltrated the Star Class pool area before the bars opened.

I heard that Star Class has some special liquor options so I wanted to get a picture of their liquor bottles. I know Don Julio is one of them.

I guess Jesus gets two days off. Alexis is tending the adult scene bar this morning. He made me a spicy Bloody Mary.

I asked Alexis if he could make me a dark rum pina colada like Jesus does. Not quite as dark as the one Jesus makes but it’s still good.

Alexis decided I needed a rainbow shot.

I grabbed a couple of Dos Equis to restock to the fridge and headed back 55 steps to the room to retrieve my surface and head to the beach bar.
That could be my lunch today. My plan is to hang out the beach bar and watch a baseball game. This would be the closest lunch option.

This is what the Adult Scene pool is looking like at 11am.

This is a peek over at the Star Class pool.

And we’re heading over to the beach.

That is the beach bar over there.

I was surprised to see Roberto actually has a couple of customers. It only lasted a few minutes though.

My game is in a weather delay. I guess there are worse places to have a weather delay.

Mad Max said he would be at the beach bar today. He must be at the family side beach bar because it’s Jorge and Roberto here. Jorge made me that pina colada.
Jorge gave me a dirty banana sample since he was making one. It’s pretty good.

If you want to bring your own big cups, they will fill them up here, at the coffee shop, pretty much anywhere.

They are just stacking up drinks here. They say this green one is a Lambada.

Bailey’s Banana Colada.

My YouTubeTV package works on Carnival WiFi, but it doesn’t work here. I think Carnival tricks it to thinking I’m in the US. My “free” tv streams don’t work here either. Fortunately my baseball stream does work. I need to check Amazon Prime Video.
It looks like Prime Video is limited.

My game was postponed so I retuned my tablet to the room and decided to check out The Shores for lunch. That’s the lunch buffet Roberto was telling me about the other day.

I chose to eat inside to cool off but either they don’t have AC in here or it isn’t working because it’s warm in here.

They have some self serve salmon here.

Those skewers are looking pretty good to me. It looks like you can order up some pasta at this station as well.

Pizza looks good.

They have two soups.

And a salad and fruit bar.

And of course desserts.

The pizza looked good but it was cold. I didn’t eat it. I did like the shrimp and scallop skewers.

I went back for a couple more of those skewers.

Here’s a look at the family pool after lunch. While I’m down here I’m going to step across the bridge and see if Mad Max is at the family beach bar.

Mad Max is here. He made me a Miami Vice.

I asked for something sweet with rum or vodka and Mad Max made me a Malibu Bay Breeze.

They are busier here than the adult side beach bar. There aren’t any customers in the bar area, but more orders are coming in from the beach. I think just about all of the cabanas are taken on this side.

Mad Max made me a Dirty Banana.

I think Max is being graded. He was in the back talking to someone with a clipboard for awhile. She’s watching him like a hawk now. Her name tag says Management, Inc.

I don’t know what this is. Max just stacked it up on me.

Nobody is minding the bar now. I think Max left with the management lady. That was awhile ago. It’s just the two servers now. And I guess they’re making their own drinks and delivering them.
I think I’m going to find another bar. Maybe get out of his wind. I think I’ll check out the afternoon pool action.
The pool was pretty dead. I decided to go the premiere bar which is by the main lobby. I wanted to get out of the heat for a little bit anyway. I think this is the only indoor bar you can go to during the day. The sports bar isn’t open yet.

I feel like I’ve had too much sweet today. I’m going back to the spicy Bloody Mary.

Check-ins are definitely different on the family side. When a new group comes in they play a short clip. It’s a sound a movie would make when something big happens and then all of the employees clap. I’ll have to record it one of these days.

I may have to drink this menu. Except for Hellboy and The Dark Knight.

This is an Iron Man. It’s pretty good. A little on the sour side with the lemon.

I sufficiently cooled off and headed back to the adult scene hotel bar.
I wish they had Dos Equis Amber in cans for the room.

It seems like there were a lot of check-ins today. Maybe people are starting to come for a long weekend.
One of the newbies walks up to the bar and asks Daniel what something costs. He says “No ting! Welcome home!”

They have outlets at this bar as well.

Three girls just walked up to the bar and the one that’s talking up a storm everything is like.
I’m like
he’s like
it’s like
she’s like
“I just like, I don’t want to like, have him think that like, I’m not like, into it.”
It makes me laugh and the bartenders don’t understand why it’s like, funny.

It looks like they are firing up Braza Grill. I see exterior lights. I see a hostess.

It’s a 20-30 minute wait for Braza. Which is normal right? I think Catch is the only place I haven’t had to wait for. Two groups in front of me left because they wanted to be seated immediately. One said they would go to La Cocina. It was the same wait there two nights ago. They are probably new check-ins.
It only took about 15 minutes before I was seated.
Yeah Braza is different.
All of your salads, breads, appetizers, and desserts are on this buffet in the middle of the room.

You have this paper drink coaster that says yes on one side and no on the other. When you’re ready for meat you turn it to yes.

I really don’t like buffets. I took a plate up there with the best of intentions but I came back on empty. I’m just going to go with what they bring me.
The first thing they brought me was a piece of cheese garlic bread and sausage. They are both good–Especially the cheese garlic bread.

Then a guy comes and takes my plate. I’m still trying to figure out how this works so I didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to take my plate until after he was gone. I think he thought I was done since it’s just me at the table. The next guy had to get me another plate.

It’s weird. I’ve been sitting here 15 Minutes since the last piece of meat someone brought me.
Here’s another little piece.

That’s good. It’s cooked with cheese on the back side I think.

Now they’re starting to come around a little faster. This is lamb and steak.


Beef Tenderloin.

The desserts are small so I got one of each.

I liked all of them except the one on the right.
I snagged another piece of garlic cheese bread before I left.
Tonight is circus night. It is almost two hours of shows with a little intermission in between.

You can’t get any closer than this.
That’s it for me for the day. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.
Continue to Planet Hollywood Cancun: Day 6