Last night I set my phone not to change time and I set my first alarm for 6:30. I woke up at 5:30. I could sleep another hour. But I can’t get back to sleep. And the more I lay here the more hungry I get. I think for…
Last night I set my phone not to change time and I set my first alarm for 6:30. I woke up at 5:30. I could sleep another hour. But I can’t get back to sleep. And the more I lay here the more hungry I get. I think for…
Good morning from just off the coast of Cuba.
I got a good 7 hours of sleep after the kid next door quieted down. I woke up once at 7am. I think it was ship movement again. At 8:30 I knew I was pretty much up for good but decided…
Good morning! I got a good 8 hours of sleep. I needed that. We hit some pretty rough waters this morning. It woke me up at 5:30am. And we’re still experiencing some though not nearly as bad as it was a few hours ago.
Its been awhile since I’ve been…
Good morning. It’s 7am here. My alarms don’t start going off for another hour but I’ve been awake for a half hour. I guess I’m up. I don’t know if I’m nervous or excited. I think I’m nervited.
A little breakfast. They have sausages and eggs and pastries and yogurt…
Before heading to the Space Center I’m going to grab some lunch at a Mexican restaurant that’s just around the corner from the hotel, Lupe Tortilla.
I’m sure it’s fine.
I lived close to the Mexican border for a few years. This is the beer we drank back then. And if…
We are heading to Webster, Texas for a two-night stay at the Comfort Suites.
Originally only one night was booked but I decided I want the full day there tomorrow so I added another night. I got both nights for $70 each after taxes on .
This is a 7-day Western Caribbean cruise on the like new Carnival Vista from Galveston to Montego Bay, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel. This will be my 10th Carnival cruise, first on Vista, and third out of Galveston. It will be my first time to Montego and Grand Cayman, and…
Good morning! This is the longest coffee line I’ve stood in this week. Seven people in front of me. I guess I did avoid the line on Belize morning by getting my coffee at the atrium bar.
I’ve been lazy this morning. I slept till 8 when the neighbors decided…
Good morning from Cozumel!
I’m getting an up close look at my next ship this morning.
Let’s see what’s going on in Havana.
We’re also in port with Harmony of the Seas.
Last port day and the towel animals are out.
I grabbed a little breakfast from the Lido deck.
I woke up at…
Good morning from Belize. I set three alarms this morning and reluctantly got up on the first sound at 6:45.
Last cruise you may remember I forgot to put on sunscreen and I paid for it–twice. Not happening today. I coated my body in so much spf70 and off active…