Mardi Gras: Travel Day
Today I am traveling to Orlando and checking into the Radisson Resort at the Port. They have a shuttle you can sign up for that will take you to the port in the morning. I have been so preoccupied with getting my COVID test results that I never booked any transportation from the airport to the hotel. I will likely take an Uber or Lyft.
Carnival currently requires proof of vaccination and a negative test within three days of the cruise start date. For me that meant I could test as early as Wednesday before a Saturday cruise. Starting September 13th that timeframe goes down to two days. That means for my Panorama and Vista cruises later this year, I will be able to test no earlier than Thursday for a Saturday cruise.
My PCR test results from Walmart came in at 3:25am on Friday which was 42 1/2 hours after I tested. My PCR test from CVS came in on Sunday morning which was too late. It’s a good thing I scheduled two tests.

I parked at The Parking Spot South. The hotel I used to park at using One Stop Parking isn’t doing it anymore and I had a bad experience waiting for a shuttle on the one I tried last time. I saw a million parking spot shuttles and said I’d look into that one next time. It’s the same brand of parking facility I used in Houston during my Cozumel trip.

There is also a Parking Spot North which is a bit better location but also more expensive. You can tell this is a south shuttle by the S on it.

I printed my bag tag out on the kiosk and got in the bag drop line. It wasn’t bad. There was only one person in front of me. Security wasn’t bad either. There were about 25 people in front of me and the line moved fast.

I had one hour until boarding started. First I made sure my plane was at the gate and it’s the right airline this time. If you don’t get that you didn’t read about my Barcelo trip.

This TGI Fridays looked inviting so I thought I would see if I could find a seat at the bar.

They have Sam Adams Octoberfest on tap which is one of my favorite seasonal beers.

They serve the coffee in cereal bowls here.

That first Octoberfest was so good I got another.

I hate going through airport security. It feels like some game you would play in elementary school. “Take your shoes and belt off and everything out of your pockets as fast as you can and make room for the next person. Run through the obstacle course. Find your bin and shoes and back on and everything back in your pockets. Quick and get out of the way for the next person!”
I got an alert this morning that my seat had been changed. Weird because I paid extra to pick my aisle seat. But they moved me to another aisle seat one row back on the other side of the plane so no big deal. But weird.

I don’t believe we’ve started boarding yet but I’m here.

The lady in the security line asked what was around my neck. For anyone who missed Mexico trips with all the mask on mask off stuff I keep my masks on lanyards. In Mexico I would just need to grab one if I was going to eat because everything else was outside. Here it’s going to be a little different.

We still haven’t started boarding. I went to see what’s up. They said maintenance is investigating an inbound bird strike. That’s what took out that Sully plane so I hope everything checks out or they get us a good plane.
It’s funny how the times change. I’ve been wearing this black shirt that says “vaccinated” on my travel days. It was a big hit at DFW in April. In June it seemed to go out of style. I had a heckler in the security line saying “like we’re supposed to believe what’s on his shirt.” We were flying out on Father’s Day so I pointed out the guy with the “worlds greatest grandpa” shirt and told the guy he should go ask him for proof. Anyway…today it’s all compliments again. I’m back in baby! I’m back in!
I hate these airport lines. You can never tell who is in line and who is just standing around. It turns out none of these people are in line. The line is going the other way.

Not too bad. So far nobody next to me but according to the chart I saw this plane is going to be almost full.

The flight attendant just asked my name. Then said I’m good. I have the whole row to myself.
This plane has the misting thing spirit had. United and sun country did not.


I bought one of these on amazon. It has two clear plastic windows. One on each side. I have my vaccination card on one side and my test results on the other

Really not much of a view here. Just clouds. We’re starting our final descent and it’s supposed to be bad weather in Orlando so maybe It’ll get more exciting.

They brought us over the east coast due to weather. We’re flying over Cape Canaveral right now. The captain announced the launch sites are on the other side of the plane.

Before I got off the plane they had a team of six come on and start cleaning. Fourth airline this year. First time I’ve seen that.
I guess I have to take a train to the baggage claim.

Lyft to my hotel in Port Canaveral is $62. Uber is $133. I think I’ll go with Lyft.
I had options of bag claim 20 or 32 for a Lyft meeting point. I was at 25 so I went with 20.

I made it to the hotel and I’m in line to check in.

I’m in room 420. I know that because the door says……I know that because it’s next to 419. You always know you’re in a classy hotel when the 420 sign is missing. They should just number it 419 1/2.

Not the best bed making job in the world but hey, they have a lot of rooms here.

I did ask for a room with a view of the water.

I wanted to check out this brewery which is just down the street from the hotel. Here is their beer list.

Chocolate Stout

Mackeson Stout

Caribe Pineapple

Hurricane IPA

The only food they have here is jerk chicken from a food truck outside. I’m going to walk across the street to the Italian restaurant.

This is a Hawaiian beer. I know that’s odd for an Italian restaurant but I wanted to try something different.

They say everything here is made from scratch.

Maybe the best risotto I’ve had.

Fried mozzarella

Spaghetti and meatball

That was a lot of food. I took most of the spaghetti back with me.
I got up at 3am to watch the scheduled 3:37am space-x launch. Of course watching it from a hotel parking lot isn’t going to be good enough for me so I was trying to make it to the beach. There was lightning the whole way so I knew it was unlikely. Then with 8:40 till launch they scrubbed it.

I turned around and headed back to the hotel.

I don’t think you can appreciate how far out I am in this hotel room. I’m so far out. I’m in room 420 in a 3 floor hotel. I’m so far out the numbering system is telling them “don’t put those people out there. Add another floor!” I get in the elevator and think “what floor am I? 420 so 4th floor.” I look at the keypad and it’s got 1 2 3. I’m thinking “am I in the right hotel?” They could at least make the room number 399.20. Then maybe I’d have a number on my door because people aren’t going to steal 399.20. They’re going to steal 420.
My building is so far away it looks like it wants to be a different hotel.

Top flight security here. Nothing but second best for me. I’m going to try to get some sleep. Later this morning is embarkation.

Continue to Mardi Gras: Embarkation