Mardi Gras: Nassau
Good Morning! I guess this is Nassau.
I don’t have any excursions planned for today but I am going to get off of the ship at some point for a couple of local beverages.

Here is today’s schedule of events.

What happens with this depends on the placement of my neighbors’ food dishes.

Okay it can go to the buffet.

Today is the final port day so we have the towel animal takeover on lido deck.

I am walking through the buffet on lido deck. I’ll find a table with dirty dishes and drop my pizza plate there.

They have half of the buffet open at 6:30. Continental, hot, and an omelet station. The last ship I was on was Panorama before the pandemic and I want to say continental opened at 7 and hot breakfast started at 7:30.

This morning would be my last opportunity to take pictures of the Havana pool area so I’m going to try to get out there before everyone wakes up and realizes I’m not supposed to be there.

I thought this was a hot tub at first with the steps but this is the Havana pool.

This area is much smaller than on the Vista class ships.

On Vista class this used to be the walkway in front of the patios. Here they put loungers along that walkway and raised the patios up above them.

I really hate how much this screen is blocking the view. Yesterday was a rare day that they had it up. I’m going to head up to Serenity deck to get a better view of the sunrise.

Can they put these loungers any closer? Let’s get bunk loungers.

This is all the Serenity area which is open to everyone 21+.

That’s the Loft 19 pool up there. They always have that place closed off.

Loft 19 is an exclusive area with cabanas for rent on a daily basis.

Of course….since when am I one to let them tell me where I can’t go when everyone is asleep?

People! To the other side!


This is looking down on the Serenity deck from Loft 19.

I have exited Loft 19. This is just a regular public access area.

This is the second floor Tiki Bar which is where I do my afternoon drinking before Alchemy opens.

This is where the DJ will be spinning tunes or whatever he does.

Back down in Grand Central. Java blue has grab and go containers with either fruit or granola if that interests you.

These aren’t free but are included in cheers.

No line for coffee. This is Java Joe’s brother Mocha Martin making me a mocha. Java Joe made my mochas on Panorama last year.

I’m going to take my coffee with me and show you something else.
This is the main entrance to the Punchliner Comedy Club. That’s the ship coin on the wall straight ahead.

But there’s actually an entrance on the other side of the comedy club.

And this one is directly across from a lower level entrance to the theater. On other ships you have to walk from the back of the ship to the front of the ship to get from the comedy club to the theater. On this one it’s from here to there.

From one deck up you can come in from the back of the theater.

Back by the the ship coin wall by the comedy club. This is how close the piano bar is.

I like the portholes behind the bar. But this bar is only used at night when it’s dark outside so I don’t see the point.

Then just past the piano bar is Grand Central. That’s how close all of the entertainment is here.

This is the Grand Central bar.

And Java Blue is in Grand Central.

I might as well get another mocha while I’m here.

I’m going to run down to deck 4 and see if I can get some pictures of the Family Harbor before the families get up and start using it.
The Camp Ocean Kid’s Club is down here. I believe it’s closed right now do to COVID-19 protocols.

They have their own breakfast setup down here.

It’s a nice area if you have kids. You can have a quick breakfast or hang out and watch TV right here. Camp Ocean is right around the corner by the elevator lobby.

The tour is over. It’s time to get down to business. I’m up at Bar Della Rosa now.

Since I’ve already had my coffees I’m going to see if they can make a spicy bloody mary.

Back to the room. I left my snoozing sign off of the door this morning in anticipation of them delivering the laundry I sent out last night.

After putting the laundry away I headed over to Big Chicken for some breakfast.

That’s a Royal Caribbean ship docked next to us.

I am heading off of the ship.
Me loudly “Look at all of the rust on that Royal Caribbean ship!”

This is where the terminal used to be. It looks like they’re building a new one.

I guess this is what the new one is going to look like.

My plan for today is to go by John Watling’s Distillery to see if their Pina Colada is still as good as I remember it being three years ago. I’ve been saying it’s the best I’ve had.
It’s probably a $5 cab ride. I’m going to walk it though. Straight down here will take you to Senor Frogs.

This is where I caught the water shuttle to Paradise Island last time. I wonder if they have them with the construction.

I guess all of the Senor Frogs are remodeling. This is the third one I’ve seen closed. Cozumel was remodeling in May. San Juan and Nassau are on this trip.
Just follow this side walk around to the left and we can get to John Watling’s or Junakanoo Beach.

If you read my Forts of Nassau blog, you know the British Colonial Hilton is where Fort Nassau once sat. It was demolished in 1897 and became Nassau’s first hotel in 1900.

Where the road ends you can go left to John Watlings or right to Junkanoo Beach.

If you read my John Watling’s Distillery blog you know this was once the home of the Chief Justice and was used as an embassy in one of the James Bond movies.

The tour is free and starts in the door on the left. The steps on the right take you to the Red Tavern.

Amber Rum is what they make their Pina Colada with.

They have a 2 for $19 special on their drinks. I’m going to get two Pina Coladas but one at a time because I don’t want the second one to melt.

AND STILL…The best pina colada I’ve ever had: John Watling’s pina colada made with amber rum.

That boy just wants to go for a walk.

Actually it’s too hot out there.

I’m going for my second pina colada.

Those were really good! I’m going to stop by Junkanoo Beach on my way back to the ship.

I was going to have a drink at the Tiki Bikini Hut bar but they aren’t allowing anyone at the bar due to COVID. You have to order and sit outside.

This is a decent free beach that isn’t too far from the ship.

I’m heading back to the ship.

I was going to get lunch at Cucina but it sounds like they are only open for lunch on sea days. I went to Guy’s Burgers instead.

I went around the corner to the Tiki Bar. Maria asked if I wanted a pina colada. I told her there’s no way they can compete with the ones I already had today. I went with a Blue Hawaiian instead.

And another.

I’m stepping down to the lower Tiki Bar to get a draft beer. They don’t have them upstairs.

This is today’s Street Eats.

They have their 2 for $20 shirt sale happening now.

I don’t see any inaugural season shirts so I’m going to buy the one I’ve had my eye on in the gift shop.
This one is $32 in the gift shop.

I’m leaving a little something for my steward before he cleans my room for the last time. I added extra for getting me the inaugural book.

My packing is done. I am heading to the Alchemy for some pre-dinner drinks.
The Alchemy is slammed. Fortunately two people left as I walked up.

This is a coconut rum drink from Jason

I haven’t made dinner plans for tonight. Cucina is now a part of your time dining on this ship so I just requested a table there on the hub app. It’s supposed to be less than 10 minutes for a table.

I was seated within 10 minutes. One of the servers is taking that hog for a spin and saying vroom vroom…vroom vroom as he passes each table.

I don’t need to look at the Fun Times to see what tonight’s entertainment options are. I’m getting the audio fun times from the lady at the next table.

Before dinner there was a guy posing for a picture on that Vespa outside. This guy is four bills easy. He sat on the Vespa and the Vespa disappeared. It was just a picture of him and a headlight.
This is cranberry bread.


Roasted broccoli and cauliflower.

Chicken parmigiana.

This limited Main Dining Room menu they have in Cucina allows me to get a chocolate melting cake for dessert.

This is the traditional last night song from the waitstaff. Normally you would only get it in the MDR but since Cucina is a part of Your Time Dining on this ship, they’re doing it here as well.
I’m just peeking in the Limelight Lounge. It’s right next to the Alchemy Bar. This is where they have all of the PG comedy shows. They’ve had so many adult comedy shows on this ship that I haven’t had to worry about going to PG shows. It is interesting that the room that holds the PG shows has a bar and the room that holds the adult shows does not.

I don’t know what this is, but it’s happening in Grand Central.

I stopped by the Punchliner for a Valarie Storm show.

After comedy I took a peek in the theater. The Broadway Beats show is happening now. I already saw that one on Panorama last year.

I know the ship isn’t at full capacity but I’m surprised by how many seats are empty.

This is what’s going on at Center Stage.

Maria made me this at Alchemy. It tastes a lot like a deal closer but it’s different.

This is a kiwi martini made by Maria.

The bathrooms here have this situation where I guess if you go in a stall you have to swipe your hand to lock it. Or if you go into one of these single person, multi-gender bathrooms you have to lock those as well.
This lady at the bar said she went into one of those single person, multi-gender bathrooms. It turned out there was a guy in it who didn’t lock it. So she walks in and a guy is just standing there peeing.
I don’t have any experience with those but there is at least one men’s room on the ship that’s a little awkward because you can see the urinals from the outside…and it takes awhile for that automatic door to close.
I headed to the Punchliner for the Percy Crews comedy show. It’s as packed as it can get in here.

After the show I stopped by the pizza place. There’s never a long line there. They have big ovens and crank out a lot of pizzas to take care of the line real quick.

I’m off to bed. Tomorrow is debarkation day.

Continue to Mardi Gras: Debarkation Day
Dwayne Fletcher
We will be in Nassau in a couple of weeks, planning on visiting John Watling’s. Do you recommend any good beach bars? Thank you
Saint Greg
Tiki Bikini Hut on Junkanoo Beach is good. Last time I was there they wouldn’t allow you in the bar area. You had to sit out at tables. If you want to sit at an actual bar on the beach go down to the end of the beach in the direction of the ships. There’s a small place up against the wall called Seagulls.
Dwayne Fletcher
Thanks for the suggestions on the beach bars. Now I am in the middle of a discussion about tips added for bartenders. Did you say that they get 100% of what is added on the paper slip or 100% of cash tips that is handed directly to them?
Saint Greg
The write-ins go directly to their account. When I asked a bartender I was told the cash ones go to them as well in most cases. I asked about a time when I overheard alchemists discussing how to handle cash tips. I was told the alchemy typically splits tips. But I have also seen cash tip jars used at a couple of bars…specifically the comedy club bar on the Dream and the second floor tiki bar on Mardi Gras. So I think there’s some tip splitting going on at some of those bars as well.
Dwayne Fletcher
Walgreens appointments for IDNow test fill up very fast since they only let you schedule seven days out at the latest. I know you have used Walgreens but do you know if Carnival accepts the rapid-results test (results in hours) from CVS or does it have to be the molecular lab test (PCR/NAAT) (results in 1-3 days) from CVS. CVS lets you schedule many more days ahead than Walgreens but I have been reading about all the problems at CVS.Thank you.
Saint Greg
They accept rapid results from CVS. A lot of people have been using CVS and not having any problems. I have heard of them canceling quite a few appointments. I personally had a rapid test scheduled there in august. When I arrived they told me they didn’t have any rapid tests available. They gave me PCR instead. The results came back on the second day of my cruise. Fortunately I had also tested at Walmart which came back in less than 48 hours (3 days was the requirement at the time.) After that I ordered the home tests. But I’ve had such great luck with Walgreens I haven’t used them.