Mardi Gras: Day 3
Good Morning! Today is the second sea day of the cruise.

From the looks of that screen I may not have totally missed the sunrise. I’m going to head upstairs and check it out from the Serenity deck.

This is the water park area with nobody in it.

By the roller coaster entrance they have a height and weight check. The max weight is 300lbs per rider. They also have a coaster here you can sit on and take pictures.

I made it down to Della Rosa for my mocha and to take a look at the paper copy of the event schedule.

That is Celebrity Edge behind us.

I’m on my second mocha.

I decided to try Emeril’s Bistro 1396 for breakfast today.

They gave me a number so they know which table the food goes to.

Shrimp and Grits

There are 15 people in line at the coffee shop. Getting coffee at Bar Della Rosa is such a better option.

I like that the smoking area is outside of the O2 area where the teens can look out the window and say “I don’t want to look like that when I get older.” It’s a good deterrent I think.

That’s pretty good. I come in to the Pig & Anchor, sit down, and she already knows I want a spicy Bloody Mary. I had two here yesterday.

This lady walking behind me while I’m sitting at the bar says “I like your shorts. That’s a cute shirt.” I turn around and say thank you. It turns out she was talking to another lady walking in front of her.
They must have a watermelon drink here. The bartender is slicing a huge watermelon.

After she finished with the melon, I got another spicy bloody mary.

I headed up to the Tiki bar for a pina colada before lunch.
Maria says the first few cruises they ran out of all of their Tiki Bar merchandise. Hats, mugs and Tiki cups. I’m sure some of it is the new ship but a lot of it is probably all of the onboard credit Carnival gave out after cancellations. I’m going to have a lot of onboard credit on Panorama.

Maria goes on break. Jason from the Alchemy is up here now. I got another pina colada.

I have a 9pm dinner tonight so I should be able to have an early lunch and a late lunch. I’m going to check out the Street Eats.

I headed to the Tides bar to get another beer. The Tides bar on this ship is where the Seafood Shack would be on most ships.

I went by Sea Dogs for an andouille sausage with cheese, peppers, and spicy mustard. The beers are from the self-pour beer station.

Coming back into the buffet I noticed someone coming out so instead of touching the button to open the door I hop out of the way and let him do it. Well apparently the exterior of these doors is almost like a mirror. It was just my reflection. A waiter saw it and was like “oh this is how you do it. Touch the green button.”
They have some new gelato flavors today. By new I mean ones they didn’t even have on Panorama last year. This is tiramisu and coconut.

I decided to try a Blue Hawaiian.

This is a caribbean colada.

They totally changed the red frog menu. When I saw Maria make a rum runner I asked “you make old drinks?” She said they do. I ordered a Red’s Rum Treasure. She said they can’t do that one because they don’t have all of the ingredients.
This is a Rum Jumper. My pose wasn’t good enough so Maria had to fix it.

There’s a lot of space available. We’re cruising with 3,916 passengers and the maximum capacity is over 6,000.

I was concerned about them discontinuing the ornaments I collect but it turns out they just changed the packaging and put them up by the register instead of having them hanging on a rack.

I’m going to do one more snack before I cut myself off until the 9pm dinner. I’m heading down to Emeril’s for Boudin balls.

I got an Abita Purple Haze beer. It’s brewed with raspberries.

Now I’m at the Alchemy bar where LuLu is making me a strawberry rum drink.

A guy just came up and ordered a Sierra Mist. Natalya says “we don’t serve soft drinks in here. It’s just alcoholics only.”
They are breaking out the snacks.

This is a raspberry coconut rum drink from Natalya.

There are a lot of alchemists on this ship working in other bars. I think Maria said 16. I just heard someone ask about Kat. They were were told she isn’t working in the Alchemy this week. She’s in the limelight. That makes me wonder if it’s the same Kat that was an alchemist on my Glory cruise two years ago. If so that makes at least five of my former alchemists working in other bars on this ship.
I had Natalya make me another raspberry coconut rum drink.

I’m actually about to have my 15th drink. I’m not sure if Natalya rung up my last one or not. I guess we’ll see. 15 is the daily limit for the Cheers program.
This is the deal closer.

Maria just showed up at alchemy. Unfortunately I’m cut off. She made the best custom drinks.
Maria says she’s working here 7-11pm every night. Tomorrow is a port day so there’s no way I’ll be cut off. Maybe I can get some of her Alchemy drinks then.
I found this guy outside of the comedy club.

I was thinking the Variety show at Grand Central was at 8 and the comedy show was at 8:30. I had it backwards. I get to Grand Central and the band is still on. They’re playing All Night Long. Well they aren’t playing all night long. They’re playing All Night Long. Here’s the video.
I went to comedy and got in right as the show was starting. It was Thea. She’s a real slow starter and was asking for a Sierra Mist or something. Meanwhile I could hear everyone back at Grand central having a good time. The band was playing Billy Jean. I decided to leave the show and went back to watch the rest of the band’s set.
When I get back over there they’re playing Footloose.
I got a good seat and a coffee to watch Jeff the Juggler.

I had to leave the juggling show early to make my dinner reservation at Rudi’s Sea Grill. This is one of the new Carnival restaurants. It’s really hard to get a reservation here which is why I’m eating at 9pm.

This is a look at the drink menu. The Tropical Smash and Smooth Seas would both sound good to me had I not already reached my 15 drink limit.

And this is the food menu. I have heard good things about the Crab Stuffed Lobster and the Key Lime Pie so I’ll probably be leaning that direction.

Compliments of the Chef: Carbonated tomato with kiwi spear.

Lobster Mac N Cheese. I know what you’re thinking. It looks like a crab. I tried to tell them that but they aren’t hearing it. They insist it’s lobster.

Seafood bisque.

Crab stuffed lobster.

Key lime pie. My what a big nose you have grandmother!

After dinner I walked to the Grand Central and the Jeff the Juggler is repeating the show I didn’t get to finish seeing before dinner. He’s at a part I’ve already seen so I know I will get to see what I missed earlier. I grab a seat down front. It’s 11pm and there aren’t many people at this show. I’m the only person sitting at the tables. As I start typing up some notes for this blog he stops his show and gives me a hard time about being on my phone during his show. He’s talented but a bit of a jerk.
This is a highlight clip I made from my Jeff the Juggler videos.
At midnight they had adult Family Feud in the theater so I decided to check it out. Here are a couple clips.
I’m heading to bed. Tomorrow (later today really) I’m in San Juan for the first time ever.

Continue to Mardi Gras: San Juan