I Have a Dream: 2nd Sea Day
Good morning from Carnival Dream. Today is the second sea day. Tomorrow is the last day of the cruise. Here is the schedule of events for today.

Lido Deck
Towel animals invade the lido deck.

Promenade Deck
Dr. Seuss parade passes by while I wait in the coffee bar line.

Main Lounge
Dr. Seuss story time is always a good way to judge the number of kids on board–not many.

Casino Bar
Spicy Bloody Mary w/out straw.

Sea day brunch.
Hostess: “sharing table with otters this morning?”
Me: “no otters.”
So they put me in this table for four. Fine with me I don’t care.
Guy who seats me “it’s just you this morning?”
Me: “just me”
him: “just you alone?”
Me “that’s right”
him: “would you like a smaller table?”
Me: “I don’t care”
juice/water/coffee guy comes up “just you today?”
Me: “yes”
juice water coffee guy: “just you nobody else?”
Me: “that’s right”
So annoying

Steak n’ Eggs. Eggs scrambled.

Casino Bar
Spicy Bloody Mary

Blue Iguana Tequila Bar

Amazing how many people in the elevator lobby scream into the elevator “are y’all going up or down?” Like they don’t know there are these big light up arrows above the elevator doors.
This rotund gentleman just stepped in and hit that 4 button like he was mad at it.
Going down to 3 to apply my gift card to my account before the lines to remove gratuities start tonight.
Casino Bar
Funship Special

Like I was saying about how pasta bella gets busier throughout the week as the blue cards figure it out. The first couple days it was near empty. Day 4 we had 5 tables in use on this side of the restaurant. Today I count 20 tables in use on this side and the other side is full.
There was no line at guys burgers on the way up here.
My selections for today:

Different bread today maybe they ran out of the other stuff. “You want bread? Three dollars!”

“It’s a cake walk”

Red Frog Rum Bar
Pirate Punch

I’ve noticed the lido music isn’t crazy on this ship. All country while I’ve been sitting here. And on some ships leaving ports it seems like they’ll have a deck party with loud music. All the ports we’ve left it’s been low, mellow, 70’s-80’s music when leaving ports.
Alchemy Bar
Think she said this was lavender cherry and vodka


Clam Chowder

Crab Cake

Fillet Mignon

Grand Mariner Soufflé


Alchemy Bar
Some kind of Rum drink

I think this is the best drink Maria has made for me. She calls it abuela’s blueberry pie. It’s really good.

All but one of these off menu alchemy drinks have been made by Maria.
This is a peach drink. It tastes like…peaches

Think she said this was passion fruit and red passion fruit or something.

Think this slice has been there since the first day of the cruise?

At 1am This kid is dipping and spitting into a bar glass that I may drink out of tomorrow

Extra cheese, extra pepperoni