Halloween Panorama: Puerto Vallarta
Good morning from Puerto Vallarta. The last time I was here I went out on my own and walked down to the melancon. I also checked out the mall and Walmart across the street from the port. If you want to read about that you can check out Panorama: Puerto Vallarta. Today I am going to be going on the most popular excursion here which is Rhythms of the Night.
I didn’t sleep very well until about 3 or 3:30 this morning. There was a lot of noise. I was thinking maybe it was a storm. I didn’t leave the room but the two side ship cams were just covered with water. My room isn’t underneath anything noisy. I’m basically under the bridge. And I don’t ever want to feel…like I did that day.

I’m not even sure which 3-3:30 I was up until. Yesterday morning my phone was an hour ahead of ship time. Then it synced up. Now I’m back to an hour ahead and I’m not sure when that change was made.

There’s a guy and I guess his wife around the corner. I think he doesn’t want me out here. Maybe he was having a private moment with his wife or something. I don’t know. Maybe they thought they booked a forward wrap balcony. On my way back in I said good morning. He just ignored me….so I said…maybe not.

It looks like there is no comedy or main show tonight so I’m not missing much on my evening excursion.

I am heading down for coffee.

There is no line at the Java Blue. I saw some white suits down at the ocean plaza bar so I just got my coffee here.

I stepped outside to drink my coffee. A couple of friends were out there for a few minutes before they left for an all-inclusive they booked. I mentioned the storm last night. They said there was no storm. I’m starting to wonder what could possibly be causing all of the noise in my room.
As of now I don’t have anything planned until my Rhythms of the Night excursion at 3:30 so I’m going to have breakfast and a couple of bloody marys and just have a sea day schedule until then.
After the mocha I just wanted a plain black coffee to take to breakfast so I got that at Ocean Plaza.

It was just a two minute process to check in and get a table with the app.

The avocado toast is one of my favorite items on the port day breakfast menu. I ordered a side hash browns and bacon. They say the bacon is coming.

The bacon has arrived.

Lee is announcing they’re going to do an abandon ship drill for crew training.
A couple years ago they did this on another ship. I was in the elevator lobby about to head off of the ship. These two 20’s girls come running out in their bathrobes “we heard abandon ship! We heard abandon ship! What do we do? Where do we go?” They were very upset to hear they got woke up by a drill.
I thought Pig & Anchor opening at noon on Mardi Gras port days was bad. How about 4:30 today, 3pm tomorrow, and noon on Thursday? Apparently that’s their port day schedule on this ship.

Since there’s no Pig & Anchor until after my excursion leaves I’m going to have to get my bloody mary from the Tides bar.

There’s too much sweating going on out there. Even in the shade. I headed to the Library Bar which was way more crowded than I thought.

After I finished my drink I moved down to the Atrium Bar for a refill.

I’m done now and about to head up on deck. I picked up my free platinum water while I was here.

Beer is being made at the Pig & Anchor.

I stopped by Guy’s burgers for a ringer and fries. I’m pairing it with a Thirsty Frog Red draft beer from the Red Frog Rum bar.

I heading into the Lido Marketplace in search of dessert. It’s salted caramel day at the gelato station!

This is definitely my favorite of the gelato flavors.


Here is the full cake menu for today.

I got a piece of Tiramisu cheesecake.

The last time I was here we were parked where that HAL ship is. A Princess ship was parked here. They shuttled us all the way from over there.

Over to this building here. They were doing a lot of construction on this building at the time. Not many stores were open yet. I’m not sure how they’re doing it now but it doesn’t look like that’s what they’re doing today.

I headed up to the Serenity bar for a frozen concoction.

Today is a good day to hang out at the Serenity. It’s pretty dead up here. After that pina colada I headed back to the room to get ready for my excursion.
I had to rush to get to my excursion meeting. I wanted to shower, change, and put together a laundry bag for tonight. I got it all done and left the room right at the time I was supposed to be in the Limelight Lounge. No big deal. It looks like they have you meet 30 minutes before the excursion but we are not actually leaving 30 minutes before the excursion. I’m going to say there’s over 100 people in here. The comedy club is nearly full.

I’m starting to suspect they’re just taking us to a show in the theater.

For the details on my Rhythms of the Night excursion please read Puerto Vallarta: Rhythms of the Night.
After the excursion I took a shower, changed clothes, and decided I wanted dessert.
Here is a bit of Deal or No Deal happening in the theater.
On to dessert. Bitter & blanc is on the menu tonight. I’m not sure I want to deal with the dining room so I took a peek at the buffet first. They had a pineapple cake and a passion fruit cake. I decided to head to the dining room. I requested a table on the Hub App along the way.

One of my favorite Carnival desserts, bitter & blanc.

After dessert I stopped by the Hero’s Bar. There doesn’t seem to be much interest in the World Series around here now that the Dodgers are out.

The noises that kept me up last night are back and one of the booms just knocked my hat off of the rack.

I’m going to try to get some sleep. Tomorrow we are in Mazatlan.