Halloween Panorama: Debarkation & The Return Trip
I laid down last night and was not going to get back up. I slept 8 hours. When I woke up it was 5:30am. I showered, shaved, brushed my teeth and got dressed.
From the aft ship cam I could see a wake so it didn’t look like we had arrived in Long Beach yet. I stepped out to the secret deck to verify.

The ship is as dead as you would expect it to be at this hour. I headed to the coffee shop.

I’m not usually up and moving this early on debarkation day. Maybe I’m still on my home time zone which would make it around 8am right now.
While I’m up I’m going to take advantage of the coffee shop and breakfast in the main dining room–Two things I usually miss on debarkation morning.

I always hear this question asked: Can you get coffee on the Cheers program on debarkation morning? Yes you can.

It looks like real breakfast in the dining room starts at 7am. It doesn’t look like we’ve made enough progress for me to film an arrival before then.

I stopped by the plaza bar for one last mocha.

It’s almost time for breakfast.

I may be the first person to request a table.

It only took one minute to get a table assigned.

This is basically the same area I’ve been sitting in all week. The guy who was taking me to the table acted like he had no clue where this table number was located. It’s straight back. He started to take me off to the right. I was like “let me take you to the table.”

They just tried to seat people at these two tables. When one sits down the other can’t get in because the chairs are so close. They’re moving one of them.

I went with French toast.

And avocado toast.

After breakfast I headed to the best spot to film this arrival which is the secret deck on deck 9. This is directly above the bridge so it has wings where you can look over the side of the ship. We’re going to be backing in so I’ll have a good view of that.

Here is the arrival video I filmed.

Normally they would require you to be out of your room at 8:30 which is in 10 minutes. Lee just made an announcement that they don’t anticipate debarkation to begin until 9:30 so we can stay in our rooms until that time.
Here is a look at the various ship cams. Not as many as they had on Mardi Gras.

I just realized the Platinum and Diamond priority debarkation is at 8:45 in the dining room. It’s 8:45 now so I’m going to head that way and see if I can make it.
I walked all the way from 7 forward to 7 aft. The elevator lobby was full of people with suitcases so I carried my suitcase down the stairs to deck 4. The restaurant was emptying out so I…….merged into the line and got off the ship real quick.

I said my final goodbye to Carnival Panorama at 8:58am.

These ramps are much easier going down than they were coming up.

If you have a passport you get in the left lane. If you have a birth certificate you stay in the right lane. The total opposite of Port Canaveral.

I was through security at 9:10am.

My Lyft will be here in 7 minutes. The return trip is $52. At this port it always seems to be about $10 more on debarkation day than it was on the way down.

Where are you going?

He’s back on track.

As long as nothing has changed this is the pickup area. It’s much less crowded than last time.

This doesn’t seem like the best route to take.

I had a little run in with security. They were holding my driver at the entrance. Finally I thought “maybe they want me to walk over to him.” They did not. Anyway. They have a process and there’s nothing indicating what that process is.

Hey! Take me to my car!

I have almost three hours until my flight leaves. That should be plenty of time.

I printed my bag tag and boarding pass. It’s just a short line at the bag drop.

I am through security.

Ah man can I hop on the keyboard?

I think I like this airport. Is that okay to say? It seems like it catches a lot of heat but I like the arrival and departure process. Everything is close. I don’t have to walk a mile to anything. I don’t have to ride any trains to get my bags. The LAX-IT thing is smooth. There are plenty of food options right here. I don’t have to walk half a mile to eat. I like it.

The only game they have on at every bar is here the Michigan-Michigan State game. Surely there’s another game on. What is this the Detroit airport? I see half a dozen cancellations on the board. All are American Airlines. I’m glad I’m not flying with them this time.
It’s really hard to get a seat at this Rock & Brews bar.

I finally got one. It’s not the best spot but it’s a seat at the table. Or bar.

This is their seasonal Octoberfest beer.

I went with the chicken tenders.

After eating I moved to a charging station.

It looks like my flight is boarding but I didn’t hear an announcement or see any indication on my app. I think I’m going to check it out.

We are boarding.

I love the exit row seats with additional leg room on Spirit.

I also love the cheap WiFi. I’m going to spring for the $3 package this time so I can stream college football during the flight.

I’ve been able to watch football with that $3 plan the entire flight. It’s been great.
There’s always a story on a plane. This couple next to me. The woman lost an earring between the seat and the window. So she and her significant other are on their hands and knees with their cell phone flashlights looking for it.
Now you know we aren’t about to land in Detroit.

We are on the ground in Dallas.

I asked the couple next to me if they heard the baggage claim number. They said E31. I said okay it’ll be one of the other ones then. Sure enough it’s E32. Nobody else has figured it out yet. I’m the only one at the right baggage claim. They’re all standing over by E31.

They finally figured it out. Here’s my bag.

I made it out to the Courtesy Van stop. I’m waiting on the Parking Spot North shuttle.

Of course the one time I’m parked north it’s south that comes through first.

That’s messed up. A second south shuttle came. I called north they said someone was on their way. A few seconds later they pulled up. That was a 20 minute wait which is unusual for them.

When I arrived last week they gave me a free upgrade to handicapped parking. Not only that. They assigned me the first spot in handicapped parking. That means I’m right by the entrance/exit. I don’t have anyone parked on the other side of me. And on this side I have basically a crosswalk between my car and the next space. I love it.

That concludes this trip. Next time we’re going on Carnival Vista for a Christmas themed cruise.