Halloween Panorama: Day 7
Good morning! Today is a sea day and the last day of the cruise as we make our way back to Long Beach. I’m on the starboard side of the ship. I’m not going around to the front because it’s extremely windy out here this morning. I’m using this doorway to block the wind but if I step out, you’ll see how windy it is out here right now.

There you go. My mask is on a lanyard and if I step out it blows around like crazy.

My steward left this in the room for me last night. Luggage tag #2. I’m moving up in the Carnival world. I can remember being #27.

Here is the rest of the debarkation documentation.

I left the snoozing sign off of my door in anticipation of the delivery of the laundry I sent out last night. I’m going to head to the back of the ship. Maybe there will be less wind there.

I dropped off my pizza plate from last night in the buffet on my way back. Here is the sunrise from the budget Havana balcony (back of lido deck).

I took the elevator down to deck 5 for coffee. The Java Blue line is long. I think I’ll check out the Plaza bar instead.

Nobody is working the Plaza bar yet. That’s unusual.

The Ocean Plaza buffet isn’t set up yet either. We turned our clocks forward this morning. Maybe the employees didn’t.

Now we’ve got action at the Plaza bar.

One regular mocha.

Here is today’s schedule of events.

I decided to get another coffee. The lines are comparable this time so I’m going to Java Blue where they have more employees working.

I found a spot to drink my coffee where nobody will find me.

Here’s a look at the atrium as I make my way back to my room. My laundry has not been delivered yet. I’m ready to get a jump on the packing so I can enjoy the day.

It’s time to switch from coffee to bloody mary.

I requested a table for sea day brunch.

It only took two minutes to get a table assignment.

Since they switched to everyone requesting a table through the app you always see people standing off to the side on their phones by the restaurant.

I went with the huervos rancheros and a side of bacon and hash browns.

On my way out there are 15-20 people standing around with their phones in front of the dining room. We’ve been doing this all week and they are still waiting until they get to the dining room to request a table. I do it on my way there.
They’re doing a making it with Michaels project in Ocean Plaza. I’m going to try to see what they’re making.

I thought it might be a Halloween themed project like they do for Christmas in December but it sounds like they’re making tulips.

I stopped by pixels and picked up my luggage tag and pin.

Then I headed back to the Plaza bar for another bloody mary.

The morning show hosted by cruise director Lee Mason is happening in the main lounge. He’s joined by a member of the fun squad.

After the morning show I headed back up to the room to find my laundry has been delivered.

It looks good.

I really like the free laundry benefit for platinum and diamond cruisers. Doing a load that gets delivered the last day works well. I just throw that stack in my suitcase. Then I pull out what’s left of the stack I got on Wednesday, I throw that in the suitcase and I’m well on my way to being packed with clean clothes.

The Pig & Anchor is open so I have to stop by for one of their fabulous bloody marys. You have to stop there on sea days for the bloody mary because their port day schedule is pretty rough. They could open as late as 4:30pm depending on the port.

I love the blue cheese olives. I’m going to try to stay away from that pepper olive. I ate one the other day and regretted it later. Maybe I’ll just eat the olive and leave the pepper this time.

I’m switching to beer. I like their stout.

After a couple of stouts I felt the need for some fresh air and a better view of the ocean so I headed up to the Red Frog Rum Bar on lido deck for a Thirsty Frog Red.

I want to try the Seafood Shack for lunch. I’m switching to Caribbean Wheat to pair with a lobster roll.

This is my first time eating at the Seafood Shack. I’m not a lobster roll expert at all. This is only my second lobster roll. The other was in Cozumel in May. But this one is pretty good in my opinion.

After lunch I decided to head down to the Alchemy bar for it’s opening. They have a martini tasting going on now. That’s something you have to book and pay for in advance. Until it’s over the bar is closed to the general public.
While I’m waiting for the martini tasting to end, I decided to grab a beer at the Pig & Anchor . Beach lager sounds new to me so I’m trying it.

That bartender is a bit of a joker. He folded this napkin and put a lime under it so it seemingly floated across the bar

I found the 2 for $20 t-shirt sale. Almost everything in there is size small or medium.

The martini tasting is still going on. I’m going to go grab some cash out of my cabin to play some blackjack.
By the elevator lobby this lady clearly has not been on a ship often. The ship had a serious movement and she came to a total stop stuck out her arms and said wheeeeew. I laughed.
I get up by my room and there are two people looking around. I figured it out…they’re looking for the secret deck. I ask if they’re trying to get outside. “Yeah it says emergency exit.” I tell them to come with me. I take them to the secret deck. It’s almost as windy as it was this morning. I don’t know that they’ll be going out there again.
I go back to then room grab my wallet and head out. But I set down my monkey in the room. I immediately realized my mistake and headed down to Guest Services. Thank god for the platinum/diamond line because nobody was in it. There were over twenty people in the regular line most likely looking to remove gratuities. I got my card and retrieved my monkey. On the way to the casino I walked by they Alchemy. They’re still martini testing.
I found a spot at a blackjack table and played for an hour or so. I left down $10.

I came up to Alchemy and they were back in business. I told Tijana her martini tasting cost me $10. She didn’t see it that way.
I forgot to take a picture of this drink. It was a coconut vodka drink.

That drink had a lime on it that I’m pretty sure fell off and rolled into that fruit down there

Someone at the bar was insistent on buying my next drink. He found out later this was my next drink. I appreciate the gesture but I have the cheers package so it’s just a waste of money to buy me drinks.

Tijana with her Strawberry Delight.

I went ahead and had her make another of the one I forgot to take the picture of earlier. It’s pretty good.

Tijana made a Nikola special for the guy sitting next to me. That’s what she’s calling the drink Nikola made for me here before the shutdown. She was able to recreate it from a video I showed her. It’s a very good drink.
The guy next to me saw Nader making a Cucumber Sunrise and asked what it was. Nader says Cucumber Sunrise. The guy says “chicken bear sunrise?”
Zoran made this one.

I’m down to my last drink of the cruise.

I was looking at dinner. I haven’t made any reservations but I would like to eat at JiJi’s. I checked the app but 9 and 9:30pm is all that was available. During that last drink I rechecked and they had a 6:30pm pop up. It’s 6:20 and I’m wearing a foo fighters t-shirt and under armour shorts. Book it. I downed the drink and I’m racing back to the room to change clothes.
I get back to the room and realize I never finished packing. I throw on jeans and a polo. I throw the other clothes apart from tomorrow’s outfit in the suitcase. I leave a thank you note and additional tip for the steward.

I head out and race to JiJi’s. I come off the elevator on deck 11. I hear that
“dance to the music” song. I see my reflection in the mirror and do my best Martin Lawrence impression. I stop outside the window by Cucina Del Capitano because something has caught my eye. This guy has a huge pie on his plate. I need to look at a menu and figure out what that is.
I arrive at JiJi’s just a couple minutes late and out of breath.

The first time I ate here I mistook the water glass for a candle.

Compliments of the chef. If you like cheese sticks you will like these.

This is my first time to get the spring rolls at JiJi’s. Boy are they good!

These sauces came with the spring rolls.

These are the fries. They’re pretty good. No where near the spring rolls, but pretty good.

Piping hot rice. I love it!

This is the sweet n’ sour shrimp. I’m trying to try new things. It’s good. There are other main courses I like better. The short rib and the Kung Pao chicken to name a couple.

This is the crepe dessert. They only have three dessert options. I enjoy this one and the rose creme brulee. I’m not a fan of the wonton dessert they have here.

Of course you have to have a fortune cookie.

I stopped by the main lounge and caught a couple songs from the Celestial Strings show. I have better coverage of this show with videos from my last cruise on Panorama. You can find those in Panorama: 2nd Sea Day.

I returned to the room to finish packing. Once that was done I realized it was time for comedy. I ran out of the room and forgot my phone. I get there and the capacity sign is out which I know is nonsense because I saw five people walk out.
A few ladies walked up, raised heck, and they let us in. It turns out the show was a repeat of a show I already saw so I walked out. He must only have two adult shows. Most of the comedians have 3-5 unique adult shows. I wonder what he was doing during the shutdown. It seems like that would’ve been a good time to write new material. And half of his show last night he was just making fun of people who walking down the hallway.
I don’t complain much on surveys but I will definitely mention how the handle this comedy club. At least fill the seats and if five people leave, let five people in like Mardi Gras does with their piano bar. They aren’t even filling all of the seats before they cut it off. I think they’re just closing the door at showtime and saying that’s it. That’s the lazy way of doing it. If you’re cruising on Panorama anytime soon, get to the comedy show on time or you may not get in at all.
After comedy I headed to the room. Tomorrow is debarkation day.