Halloween Panorama: Cabo San Lucas
Good morning from Cabo San Lucas! This ship is having some issues getting to top speed so they have us getting in super early and getting out super early in order to get us back in time. Last time we were here 10:30am-6:30pm. This time we’re here 6:30am-1:30pm. I’m not sure what you can do in Cabo at 6:30am. I know some people onboard who have canceled their booked all-inclusive resorts because it just isn’t enough time there.
Last time I did a whale watching excursion through Carnival. You can read about that in Cabo San Lucas: Whale Watching and Panorama: Cabo San Lucas.

The water shuttle is running already.

Here is the water shuttle information.

This is today’s schedule of events.

With today being the last port day of the cruise, we have the towel animal takeover on lido deck.

This is my first Halloween themed towel animal takeover.

I am going to send out one more bag of laundry tonight. I started getting that ready. Then I took my sandwich plate from last night up to lido. Now I’m getting coffee at the plaza bar.

I’m going to check-in for port day breakfast.

It only took two minutes to get a table.

I’m trying the broken egg sandwich for the first time. It’s pretty good.

I got sides of hash browns and ham to go with my sandwich.

Oh my. They sat another solo at the table next to me. That guy is a speed eater. They put his plate down in front of him and he went to work like he had an excursion in five minutes.
He had an omelet and French toast. He literally cleaned his plate in less than 60 seconds. I thought he was in a hurry but I guess not. He sat there for about 10 minutes surfing the web on his phone after he ate. I guess he was just really hungry.

After breakfast I stepped upstairs to the Plaza bar for a bloody mary.

Lady at the bar: “Do you have to take a tender to get off the boat?”
Me: Unless you want to swim.
A guy at the bar asks the bartender if she’s getting off the ship today. She says not today maybe tomorrow. The guy’s wife had to remind him tomorrow is a sea day.

Last night at the Louis Ramey comedy show this lady gets up and starts walking out. He drops the microphone, chases her down, and escorts her back to her seat. She says she has to go to the bathroom. He lets her go and says by the walk it has to be a number 2.
While she’s gone he’s making jokes about that. She gets back pretty quick. So then he’s like “dang did you wipe? We know you didn’t have time to wash your hands.”
I was in the elevator with her and her husband and a couple other groups after the show. It was dead silence until they got off. Then we talked about how embarrassing it must’ve been for her.
If you go see Louis Ramey, I’d say go to the bathroom ahead of time. That’s really a good rule of thumb for all of them. Many of the comedians will give you a hard time for coming in late or walking out early.

I’m going to start making my way off of the ship.

The last time I was here there were pelicans and sea lions all over the place. This time they’re nowhere to be found. I did hear the sea lions this morning from the ship. Based on a travel show I watched I believe they live on the beach and rocks by the arch. Maybe they stay over there this time of year.

I finally found the OFFICIAL store!

I think I missed this Cabo sign last time. It’s in an odd spot sort of in an alley.

I verified that the bathroom situation is still as it was the last time I was here. There’s a bathroom in the shopping area where they charge you a dollar to use it. If you go to the one in the information building it’s still free. I detailed it with pictures in Panorama: Cabo San Lucas.
You can see the ship from here.

This is one of the Cabo pirate ships.

The people were really annoying me trying to sell me everything from excursions to drugs. I’m just going to head back to the ship.

I came straight up to deck 11 to grab lunch at Cucina Del Capitano.

I’m starting out with a caesar salad and bread.

I went with the lasagna instead of the pasta bar. Some ships I like the lasagna better than others. This one I didn’t care for.

After lunch I headed up to the Serenity bar.
I’m starting out with a Caribbean colada.

The horn works! It’s right up here by Serenity deck and they just blew it.
The worst was two years ago on Carnival Glory. I had just gotten a coconut martini at the Serenity bar. I was walking right past the horn when it blew. I spilled the entire martini on myself. There’s a hot tub right by the horn on that ship. I think the people in it just about jumped out of it.

There’s a serious delay on drinks here. She finally took my order. One guy got tired of waiting and left.
This is the Twilight Zone.

This guy I met at the sports bar Monday finds me at the Serenity bar. He’s here celebrating his first anniversary. He’s from a town of 300 in Nebraska. He never goes anywhere. The way he washes his clothes here is he wears them in the shower. We were talking before the Saints game on Monday which is fine but then the game came on and he kept talking while I was trying to watch it. And it’s not like he was talking about the game or anything–He was just talking.
I told him I had to go so I left for the Alchemy. I managed to lock my key in the room along the way so I had to go down to Guest Services first.
I finally made it the the Alchemy. Tijana said she’s been wondering where I’ve been.

One lady at the bar didn’t understand that the crew say on the ship for six months. She asked Tijana “when we get back are you going home for a week or are you working two cruises in a row?”
I headed to the Platinum-Diamond party in the main lounge. They have free drinks as usual but on Mardi Gras we were limited to one glass of wine per person.
The party was hosted by Cruise Director Lee Mason. He said we have 2,548 total guests on board with 324 platinum and 40 diamond. That’s a reduced capacity. I believe we sailed with well over 4,000 the last time I was on this ship.

The captain and the directors are here as well.

After the party I headed to the room to get my phone on the charger and take a shower before dinner. I’m going to leave a load of laundry before I head down for pre-dinner drinks.
I’m sorry to report that the covid towel animal did not make it.

I always rip these paper laundry bags. I don’t know how people do this without duct tape.

Speaking of duct tape when I was on Mardi Gras they said one of the new things is life jackets at the muster stations instead of in the room. That gave me hope that we would no longer have the glow in the dark signs in our rooms telling us our life jackets are under the bed. Apparently that change was just for Mardi Gras. I think I forgot to mention this earlier in the cruise but I had to cover it up again.

I stopped by the Alchemy for pre-dinner drinks. Nader made this one.

This is a popular drink Tijana makes. People around the bar just call it the green drink. To me it tastes like one of those after dinner mints. She said it has chocolate, vodka, creme de menthe, and bailey’s in it.

At first I thought the table was 475 which would be the 3rd floor. I bypassed the 4th floor to go down to the 3rd floor. When I looked at the number again I knew I was gonna have to turn around and walk back upstairs.

I’m starting out with some cranberry bread.

This is the clam chowder. I don’t remember it have bacon before but I could be mistaken.

I also got a crab cake.

And the filet mignon for my main course.

My favorite dessert on Carnival is the Grand Marnier Souffle.

After dinner I headed to family friendly comedy with Louis Ramey

Thursday Night Football is on in the Hero’s bar.

I headed back to the comedy club for the next show only to find it locked up. They say it’s at capacity. There are seats open for sure. The area I’ve been sitting in for every show has three seats together. They didn’t do this on Mardi Gras.
Let me throw this out there. There’s nothing on the entertainment schedule tonight other than comedy and the Dive-In movie. Of course everyone is going to come here. Why not have comedy in the main lounge tonight?

Diamond and Platinum members can go to the cashiers cage and get $25 in free slot or table games play. I took mine in chips.

I didn’t see anyone playing blackjack and I won’t play alone. I decided to just put it on one hand at the $25 table. I hit blackjack, pulled the $37.50, and played the fun chips again. I busted. I gave the dealer the $2.50 chip as a tip and walked out with a free $35.

They have a solo guitarist in the atrium tonight.

I’m trying to find ways to kill time since I can’t get into the comedy show. I headed back to the Hero’s bar.
Something I’ve never said before: There are a lot of Cardinals fans in here. It’s tough to tell from the pictures because only three of them are wearing Cardinals colors. But when they cheer, you can hear it.

They could use some more seating in here. The back wall is lined with people. And there are people standing behind me in the casino area. They can’t see because if they move they’ll be standing in front of the people lining the back wall. They are just listening to the announcers.

As soon as the game was over I headed to the comedy club.

Take your shoes off, put your feet up, and make yourself at home. We’re at capacity.

It turns out they had an 80’s show in the main lounge. It must not have been too long because the room was cleared out by the time I got down there which was 1 hour after it started.
They have a silent party going on. it’s the first time I’ve seen one on a ship. We had one when I was at Planet Hollywood in Cancun. There you had options of country, rock, hip hop, or Latin. Here they just have two options. I’m not sure what they were but neither of the DJs acted like they were spinning country.

I went for late night pizza.

No towel animal tonight? Because of what happened to the last one?

Oh there it is.

Good night! Tomorrow is a sea day and the last day of the cruise.