Glory Days: Cozumel
Good morning from Cozumel. Today I am doing the Atlantis Submarine tour I booked through the ship. If you are interested in reading about the Cozumel barhop tour I did last time, you can do that here: Vista: Cozumel.

I’m at breakfast now. I’m doing the broccoli scramble again and trying their waffles this time.

I grabbed my coffee and headed up to my spot on the Serenity deck. We haven’t arrived yet.

I decided to grab a better view of our arrival. This should work.

Really? I’m all setup for the money shot and this clown decides to back it in? This captain must be from Louisiana or Texas.
I have a later excursion so no rush to get off of the ship. I’ve been here a dozen times. I headed down to the atrium bar to grab a bloody mary or two.

Bartender makes a difference on these. Christina left and this one isn’t as good as the first one was.

I had an 11:30 excursion so At 11:05 I headed down. Finding the check in spot was easy by three amigos

I got my bracelet and sticker and walked around for a few minutes. I came back at 11:25.
I freaked everyone out with this one. This clock says 11:25. But whenever you look at it through a camera it’s flashing 5-2-1-1.

So three candians, two texans, and saint greg walk into a sub…
We took a short walk over to the boat that would take us to the sub. You can see it isn’t far from the ship.

Here is the ride to the submarine location. We stopped to pick up some Royal Caribbean cruisers on the way. They did a Safety briefing in both Spanish and English, then we continued to the sub location.
This is the group before us resurfacing.
Embarkation was back of boat to front and we filled the sub back to front. I was in the front of the boat so I ended up near the front of the sub. I liked that because we had extra room to spread out since the sub wasn’t totally full. I also had a pretty good view of the pilot and what he was seeing.
This is the platform you board on with the two boats on either side.

This is the ladder you have to make it up/down.

This is the back of the sub.

This is what the seating is like. Since the sub wasn’t totally full we were able to spread out a little.

Each porthole has it’s own air vent.

Here is our first dive and the first few minutes down there.
We reached at maximum depth of 105 feet.

This is the drop off where it goes 2,000 feet straight down. In some areas it’s as deep as 3,000 feet.

This is a ship wreck that has been down there since 2000. It used to be a Mexican Navy gunship.

There are divers down there looking at the ship wreck.

Here is the video of us resurfacing.
As we pulled away the next group boarded and was preparing to dive.

On the way back they passed out juice and dive certificates.

When I got back on board I decided to grab a light snack so I went to the deli for a turkey sandwich.

I remembered I was supposed to be trying their cakes so I tried an apple something crumble cake.

I had a good view of Carnival Freedom from this spot. An ambulance was leaving the ship. Hope the person is okay.
After eating I headed up to my spot on the Serenity deck. Since we’re in Mexico I grabbed a Dos Equis on the way. They have it on tap at the Blue Iguana Tequila bar on lido deck.

This is a night where I may do a specialty restaurant on a ship that has more of them. Or I may order off of the port menu. I did the tortilla soup and steak tacos last year and want something different. I asked the waiter for suggestions and of course he suggested the two animals I’m least likely to eat on the menu–rabbit and lamb.

Greek salad

Braised rabbit

Rosemary Lamb Shank

Chocolate melting cake

Some after dinner sights

The Queen movie is playing on lido deck. I missed the first comedy show so I headed straight to the alchemy. The alchemy was full so I checked out the atrium. The atrium had a 70’s music party going on–not my decade.
I circled back and saw my baseball team was on in the sports bar and the seat I had the other day was open so I stopped there.

After the game I stopped by Alchemy to grab a drink to take to late night comedy. I asked Kat to make something sweet with rum.

After the show I went back to the Alchemy to grab another drink. I got to talking to a group of people and forgot to get a picture before I started drinking it.
I brought that drink back to the comedy club for the final show of the night. Remnants of my last drink are still here. Bruno made this one.

After comedy I hit the pizza place. There was like 5 people in line and they just cranked out a bunch of pepperoni real quick.

Off to bed. Tomorrow is the last sea day.