Fort Lauderdale Hotel Review: Cambria Airport & Cruise Port
Here is the article I wrote during my hotel search: Fort Lauderdale hotels with shuttle service.
I booked the Cambria on for $123. I selected this hotel for location and transportation. The hotel is close to the airport, offers a free shuttle from the airport, and has a shuttle to the cruise port for $10. If you need a shuttle back from the cruise port they charge $15.
After arriving at the Fort Lauderdale Airport and collecting my luggage, I called the hotel to let them know I needed a shuttle. They asked which terminal I was in. I didn’t know so I asked the information desk. They informed me I was in terminal 4.
The hotel told me to step outside, take a right to the white tents and wait. “It could be up to 45 minutes,” they said.
I stepped outside, took a right, and sure enough there was a white tent.

The white tent looks empty but around the corner about 50 people are waiting for various hotel and parking lot shuttles–A number that would grow to well over 75 during my time there.
After a good 45 minute wait, finally my shuttle pulls up. It says Comfort Suites on it but the guy honks the horn and holds up a Cambria sign. I think he may have been through before but I missed it because it said Comfort Suites.
Three people are on this shuttle. I think he picked up the other two at another terminal.
As we arrived at the hotel, I saw another shuttle pulling out of the parking lot with a Cambria sign taped on the side. That’s better than the one I was on.

I would later discover they have a plethora of properly marked shuttles, none of which were used to pick me up.

They have a seating area in the lobby where you can watch television.

This is the Reflect Restaurant & Lounge. Here are their menus for Appetizer and Bar, Food, and Catering.

They have an area where you can purchase snacks 24 hours a day. It’s also equipped with an ATM.

Check-in was quick and easy. This is when I signed up for my shuttle to the port. They had two options: 10am and 12pm. My arrival appointment at the port was 12pm so I decided to take the earlier option on the 10am shuttle.
Here is a look at their fitness center and pool.

I have plans to eat at the Las Vegas Cuban restaurant that is practically across the street from the hotel. It has good reviews and prices. Here is their regular menu and their lunch specials.

I started out with beef empanadas and a Presidente beer.

They brought garlic bread as well.

These side dishes are rice, sweet plantains, and fries. I was supposed to get yucca instead of fries.

I went with a daily special the waiter suggested and he didn’t steer me wrong. This is steak and shrimp and it came with the three sides.

The waiter noticed the side dish error and brought me some yucca.

That was a lot of food. Really all I needed was the empanadas and the main course. I did try a little of each side. I now know I’m not a yucca fan.
I had planned to try flan for dessert but it wasn’t happening after all of that food.
Like I said the waiter didn’t steer me wrong. All that food and a beer for only $30.

I returned to the hotel for the night. Here’s a look at my suite. This is an accessible room. I didn’t request it but sometimes you get that booking It’s fine. There’s usually more space in these than a regular room.

Note that the closet door doesn’t fully open due to the bed. It was fine. I was in the room for less than 12 hours so I didn’t need to use the closet.

Here is a look out my window in the morning.

The room has a Keurig with pods, a microwave and refrigerator. I was a little disappointed there were no to go cups because I wanted to take a second cup with me.

I do like the TV here. They have the full compliment of DirecTV channels. It’s common for a hotel that has DirecTV to just program certain channels into receivers. This hotel has the full compliment of DirecTV channels with the actual DirecTV channel numbers. I had DirecTV for over a decade so I don’t have to look at a channel list here.

On this day I needed to stop by a store to pickup a wall plug for my phone charger. Instead of going across the street to the Cuban restaurant I can take a left and follow the sidewalk under the interstate to the stop light. I crossed the street there which brought me to the Oakwood Plaza shopping center.

I was able to secure my charger plug at KMart. It seems like everything is 10% off here. I know a lot of people bring wine on cruises so it’s important to point out.

Another place to wine shop. This liquor store is attached to BJ’s and opened at 9am.

Burlington opened at 9am. Office Depot opens at 10.
I have 30 minutes until my shuttle. I’m back in the room. I made a stop along the way. Pumpkin spice coffee and I love these powdered donuts with the white cream filling. “America runs on Dunkin’.”

10 minutes until the shuttle. I’m heading out.

I head to the lobby where the shuttle guy is checking people in.

The shuttle has a trailer for luggage. I like that. This week last year I took a hotel shuttle in New Orleans. I signed up for the later time. They had to make two trips for the first group’s luggage, resulting in my shuttle leaving later than what I signed up for. That’s part of why I signed up for the early shuttle this time around.

The shuttle drop off order is going to be Magic, Allure, Adventure, Princess. Pier 4 for the Magic.
Our 10am shuttle pulled out at 10:14. The shuttle driver is entertaining.

Eight ships are leaving today. It sounds like leaving early was a good idea according to the driver. He said traffic is going to get really bad later.
I’m off the shuttle at 10:30. They have a line of porters here just waiting to take bags. I gave a porter my bag and $3.

In conclusion, I would recommend this hotel as pre-cruise hotel. My only problem was the long wait for a shuttle at the airport. It seemed like they may have been running short staffed that night. They had plenty of shuttles sitting in the parking lot. I liked the room. I liked having the Cuban restaurant and shopping center within walking distance. And I liked having transportation to the port. Those are all features that make a good pre-cruise hotel.