Cozumel: Day 3
Good morning. I’ve been up for about an hour but I just got out of bed. My friend really likes to have breakfast scheduled so we pushed it back to 8:30 today.

The coffee pot is still only making half a pot which is two cups according to the pot or one of these ceramic cups. I just relocated the pot to near the sink so cleanup will be easier. I bought a whole bag of coffee and I just need it for today and tomorrow so I don’t care if I only get half of the coffee out of it.

They are changing the flag from red to yellow. I wonder if the other guests would appreciate it if I screamed “It’s okay everybody. You can get in the water now!”

I thought this was a hammock but I don’t see where the other end of it would go. I’m thinking it’s a chair. I don’t trust anything about it.

This just doesn’t look fun at all. Maybe for the dog in the front. He’s got it made.

They’re going to have to take this fruit out today. One of those strawberries is becoming a science experiment.

I guess I could gift the that fruit to a neighbor…under the partition.

Morning yoga is happening on the deck.

Or they’re trying to watch a TV and the picture is sideways.

I headed down to the restaurant for breakfast. I’m starting with the fresh fruit again.

I went with the pancakes today.

Breakfast is supposed to be included. Yesterday they brought us $0.00 checks that we added tips to. Today they tried to charge us each $12 for a cup of coffee. We had them fix it.

There is never a problem getting a ride here. They always have at least two taxis waiting outside.

These are the sanitizing mats you’re supposed to use on your way into the hotel. I got used to using them in Cancun last month. I use them. My friend walks around them.

Yesterday downtown we got in cab number 66. I told the driver we were looking for cab 6-6-6 but we couldn’t find it so 6-6 would have to do. My friend says “I don’t think he gets it.”

We got here 30 minutes early so we’re just walking around the shopping mall. We found one open souvenir shop but the rest of the mall is closed.

This is the international cruise port. I’ve never used it since I’m always on Carnival.

We went back downstairs and the barhop people are checking us in.

And the shuttle bus has arrived. A lady comes up and tells me I’m the reason she booked the tour. That’s good to hear.

And we boarded. Paying people are paying. We are free. Thanks again, Cozumel Barhop.

Colleen is the tour guide again.

We pass the first bar on the east side which is Mezcalito’s. It’s not a part of the bar hop so we continue on.

We made it to the first stop which is Punta Morena. My favorite thing about Punta Morena is the swing bar.

The beach at Punta Morena is fabulous as well. Some of these pictures just don’t even look real.

Each stop on the barhop has a welcome shot. At Punta Morena the welcome shot is called the Mayan Sacrifice, which is made with a Mayan liquor called Xtabentun and pineapple juice.

I had no idea this was going to happen but I guess since this was a special barhop for me each stop was tipped off and they gave me something free.
At Punta Morena they gave me chips and this dip which I shared with the group.

They also gave me this drink which I drank myself.

Our second stop was Coconuts.

The welcome shot at Coconuts is the Tequila Slammer which is made with Tequila, Sprite, and Grenadine.

At Coconuts I ordered a beer and my friend ordered a Mai Tai.

I hadn’t yet figured out that the special gifts were coming at every stop. At Coconuts they gave me their blue margarita, a visor, and a mask.

There’s a lot to like at Coconuts. You have the family albums at the bar. You aren’t allowed to take pictures of those so you’ll have to take the tour to see them. You have the wildlife. You have the hotel next door where Fidel Castro once met the Mexican president. And of course you have Massages by Nacho advertised in the restroom.

Once I found out it was out here with no happy ending, I was out. He lost me there.

There is quite a view up by the massage place.

Here is the local wildife.

The last time I was here I checked out the hotel (Ventanas Al Mar). I only went about this far down the path because a lot of the hotel guests were at the pool. This time we went further because nobody was there.

An employee offered to give us a room tour but we figured we should get back to the barhop.

From here you can see a couple of the room balconies. It’s a good thing they have a stop sign here because otherwise I was going right over the edge.

We headed back out front and the shuttle was there waiting for us.

The next stop is El Pescador.

The welcome shot at El Pescador is the Blue Lagoon. Colleen may call it windex but the Barhop website begs to differ.

El Pescador continues the trend of free big drinks for me.

And gifts. They gave me this nice pen.

My favorite thing about El Pescador is this tiki on the beach. I think it makes for great photos.

I was starting to get hungry. Colleen had recommended the coconut shrimp here so I got them. They were huge and good. I could only eat two. My friend had a couple. Colleen had one and think we wasted one.

I believe my friend had fish tacos over there as per usual.

We are back on the road heading to our last stop. Colleen is always entertaining between stops.

We made it to our final stop which is Rastas.

At Rastas they tried to give me another bottle of that peanut butter tequila. I don’t know if it was a mix up or what but I told them I already received a bottle from the barhop.

My favorite thing at Rastas is the the small chapel next to it. If anyone is interested in getting married or having a wedding vows renewed here, the good people at Cozumel Barhop can organize that for you.

The last time I was here my phone didn’t have a wide angle lens and I couldn’t get this entire ceiling in one shot.

This is the view of the chapel from the beach.

At Rasta’s I ordered a Coconut Loco. I don’t even know what all is in it. Here’s a look at it being made.

I ventured up to the top floor of Rastas. If you are going to do this you should definitely do it before the Coconut Loco. They don’t have an elevator.

It’s time to go so I went back downstairs. I left my mark by the entrance before leaving.

It’s just shocking to me that when we returned the mall was just as empty as it was when we left.

My friend was wanting to continue the trend of going back to the hotel, swimming, and eating dinner there. I wanted to get a lobster roll for dinner. So we stopped at the Lobster Shack and got one to go.

We decided to stop for a drink at this outdoor bar.

They have a sign that says they have real fruit margaritas and they do. This one is coconut. It’s not ours. I just had to get a picture of it. Maybe I’ll try one on a future trip.

We caught a cab back to the hotel.

I went back to the room and changed into a swim suit.

On the way to the pool the waiter hit me up. I had a lot to drink today and really didn’t want anything but I didn’t want to tell him I didn’t want anything so I just ordered a pina colada
It was happy hour so he brought me two pina coladas.

After swimming I went up to the room to shower and then back down to the restaurant.
My friend is having a vodka tonic. I’m done drinking for the day.

I didn’t want to eat much because I know I have a lobster roll in the refrigerator. My friend didn’t want to eat alone so I just ordered nachos. I didn’t realize they’d be this big.

The waiter brought this on the house. I had plenty to eat so I didn’t try them but my friend did.

I’m not sure what my friend ordered but I think he got away from the fish tacos for once.

Here is the lobster roll from the Lobster Shack which I had later before going to sleep. Tomorrow we travel home.

Continue to Cozumel: Day 4