Christmas Magic: Embarkation Day – Saint Greg's Travels
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Christmas Magic: Embarkation Day

December 18, 2019


Good Morning! It looks like a nice day.

I finally figured the Keurig out.

Got a shower in. Hey people can’t see though that can they? They’ve been walking by and i need that bathroom door open for the TV.

I’m used to hotels having a disposable cup option for my coffee. They don’t have that here. I’d like to take this second cup to go but I can’t. I wonder if it’s an environmental thing.

I do like the TV here. They have the full compliment of DirecTv channels. A lot of hotels that have DirecTv just program certain channels into receivers. This is the full DirecTv deal with the real channel numbers. I had DirecTv for over a decade so I don’t have to look at a channel list here.

I have an hour and a half until my shuttle ride. I have everything packed up. I’m heading out to get a wall plug for my charger.

Oakwood Plaza

It was an easy walk to this shopping center. According to my Google machine KMart opened at 8am so we’re in good shape.

I got my charger plug and some disinfectant. Everything is at least 10% off it seems. I looked a million times for Downy wrinkle release and couldn’t find it.

Even the wine is 10% off if you’re looking to bring a bottle on the cruise.

Another place to wine shop. This liquor store is attached to BJ’s and opened at 9am.

Burlington opened at 9am. Office Depot opens at 10.

30 minutes until my shuttle. I’m back in the room. I made a stop along the way. Pumpkin spice coffee and I love these powdered donuts with the white cream filling. “America runs on Dunkin’.”

I don’t eat a lot of donuts. Dunkin’ isn’t convenient to where I’m going in the mornings. I have Beignets maybe three times a year. But I never go in donut shops. I would say my last donut from a donut shop was probably a couple years ago. Someone at work brought them to my office before everyone else got their nasty hands in the box.

10 minutes until the shuttle. I’m heading out.

I head to the lobby where the shuttle guy is checking people in.

The shuttle has a trailer for luggage. That’s good. This week last year I took a hotel shuttle in New Orleans. I signed up for the later time. They had to make two trips for the first group’s luggage, resulting in my shuttle leaving later than what I signed up for. That’s part of why I signed up for the early shuttle this time around.

The shuttle drop off order is going to be Magic, Allure, Adventure, Princess. Pier 4 for the Magic.

Our 10am shuttle pulled out at 10:14. The shuttle driver is entertaining.

Eight ships are leaving today. It sounds like leaving early was a good idea according to the driver. He said traffic is going to get really bad around here.

Port Everglades

I’m off the shuttle at 10:30. They have a line of porters here just waiting to take bags. I gave a porter my bag and $3.

It looks like you may be able to just drop off your own bag at the end of the line here. Maybe I’ll try that the next time I cruise from this port.

I took a left just beyond those signs and now I think I’m in line to get on the ship. It’s my first time at this port so I don’t know where I’m going at all.

The people getting off of the ship are crossing the line of people waiting to get on the ship. So it’s a big long stop and wait as they direct traffic.

We are moving again.

I totally lost my AT&T internet once I got in that building. Fortunately they have a port Wifi you can connect to. They didn’t seem to care that I had a noon check-in. They let me go early. Priority had their own line with ranged from 0-20 people.

This is what the general boarding line looks like.

At 11:03 I made it through security and took a seat.

At 11:07 they call for people who purchased Faster to the Fun to board. I’m guessing they’ve already boarded the Platinum and Diamond cruisers. I’ll be Platinum next cruise. Actually if this cruise were one day longer, I would’ve been Platinum this cruise. It takes 75 cruise days to get there. I’ll be at 74.

11:08 they call for airport check-in to board…whatever that is. I’ve never heard of that. 11:10 they are boarding zones A1-A5. I’m A7. 11:11 they call zones A1-A9. That’s me.

That ramp is steep. I’ve heard people say New Orleans is too long. I have nothing to compare it to other than Galveston which I think is similar. This is definitely shorter but it’s uphill all the way. My parents would probably struggle with it.


Pasta Bella

Pasta Bella or Cucina Del Capitano–depending on the ship–is one of the best kept secrets on Carnival. It’s on deck 11 up above the buffet. Most new cruisers don’t figure it out until the end of the cruise.

It’s just me and one other table in here right now.


Let’s check out the cakes.

Peanut Butter S’mores

Time to find the Red Frog Pub for some football. It’s getting close to noon.

Red Frog Pub

I was trying to figure out why they don’t have any games on here. Then I tried to pull a game up on my phone and couldn’t. Then I remembered…we’re on the east coast now. Games don’t start until 1pm here. I haven’t been in the eastern timezone on a NFL Sunday in about 16 years.


Since it’s not time for football yet, my normal embarkation day routine after eating is drinking Fun Ship specials in the Atrium.

There’s plenty of real estate available.

On the way down I stopped by the DJ booth to let DJ Cue know I’ve been following his instagram account. He was surprised I was able to find it.

They still have their new seasonal Pumpkin beer. I’ve been wanting to try it.

Bar menus. This is how I keep my food and drink menus page up to date.

Day 1

Funship #2

Fun squad guy kept trying to mess this up but I got it.

Coffee bar

Here’s a look at some of the treats they have for sale at the coffee bar.

Ocean Plaza

It looks like they’re still working on the decorations.

My favorite bar

Pixels Gallery


The casino bar is low hanging fruit for the blue cards.

Red Frog Pub

The Red Frog Pub is the place to be.

Even with the game on there are still two empty seats to my left and three empty seats to my right. I guess the blue cards haven’t made it past the casino bar yet.

They have the Pumpkin beer on tap here.

I think Fred is almost dead. I just realized today is the first time I haven’t had to lube up before each meal to prevent a break.

So far, at least here at the RFP in port, the Magic Wifi is good enough for me to stream YouTubeTV and NFL Redzone on the NFL app (season ticket holder perk) with the picture getting a little blurry from time to time. 

Whoa that Dolphins formation!

Thank you Carnival Hub.

I heard someone say they have a bunch of games on in the casino. 49ers fan is upset his game isn’t on anywhere. This is why I don’t cruise during Saints games. I’ll check out the casino bar at halftime. Last year on the Dream they only had two games on in the casino.

Atrium Bar

It’s time for the mandatory safety briefing. But I’m content here at the bar as long as there is a line to get in.

Main Lounge

I found a nice aisle seat with leg room for the safety briefing.

Casino Bar

After the safety briefing I rushed to the casino bar since I heard there may be a bunch of games on there. Solo cruiser benefit: You only need one spot at the bar. And the middle spot was a single.

What we really have here is three games on. Someone asked for the 49ers game and was told this is all they have. Which is weird because the Dolphins are on in the Red Frog Pub and not here. So that’s four games. And if you were stuck with local games you would only have two games.

I think they have all of the games. They may not all be programmed into a receiver. It’s on them for programming a bunch of garbage games instead of the 2nd and 3rd best teams in the league. 

We have two 4-7 teams playing on one TV. 5-6 vs 2-9 on another TV.  8-3 vs. 2-9 on the other TV. Then in the Red Frog Pub it’s 5-6 vs. 2-9.

The Pumpkin beer I was drinking on draft in the Pub is only available in a bottle here. And they’re telling me the bottles aren’t included in the Cheers Beverage program because they are limited edition. That’s the first I’ve heard that. But I’m going with a Boston Lager for now.

I didn’t hear the question but the bartender says “fun shop.” The guy that asked the question didn’t understand. He says “pawn shop?” I tell him the pawn shop is in rooom 9264 after 10pm.

They show on the screen “Battle for the NFC East.” It’s more like a pillow fight.

New sugar straws at the Casino bar.


My luggage has arrived.

I have the perfect room steward for a Christmas themed cruise.

Sports deck

After checking out the cabin I hit the elevator to the highest deck it would go to which is deck 12 to check out the view.


The first night in the steakhouse you have an option of a free bottle of house wine or 50% off of another bottle. I’m not a wine person so last time I gifted my bottle to another table in the steakhouse.

It’s pretty dead in here. I don’t see another table I want to give my wine to so I’m just passing on it tonight.

I’m getting a Watermelon martini from the bar.

Compliments of the chef. A burger made from a tiny cow.

The round bread.

Steamed oysters

Wagyu Steak and onion rings.


After dinner I stopped by the “pawn shop” and saw they only had two of ship ornaments I collect left on the rack so I went ahead and bought one.

Casino Bar

I headed to the Casino bar to catch the end of the late games after dinner.


Atrium entertainment

The tree lighting his happening in the Atrium.

I never eat at the buffet and I need to be better about catching buffet menus for people who do eat there. This is what I saw in the buffet when I walked by in the 9pm hour.

Here’s a quick shot of the night club as I’m walking by.

Alchemy Bar

I finally made it to Alchemy. It’s a bit of a challenge on a football Sunday because they don’t have TVs. Luby made this drink for me. It has pineapple infused vodka, strawberry, pineapple, lime, and lemonade.

Natalya made this and wouldn’t tell me what was in it. I know it has vodka, blackBerry, and coconut.

Main Lounge

The Welcome Aboard show is happening in the main lounge.


Cruise Director Simon London led some dances in the atrium after the Welcome Aboard show.

Comedy Club

The comedy club is filling up but not full. It’s not standing room yet. There are still seven spots open here at the bar. It’s 8 minutes until showtime.

The comedian tonight is Jaylyn Bishop. I know I’ve seen her on TV. They say she’s been on Showtime and Comedy Central. I feel like I’ve seen her on either Comics Unleashed or


Watching a little TV before bed. This is the first time I’ve had two remotes in a stateroom. One for the power/volume and one for the channels. Maybe I should program their remote for them while I’m here.

Off to bed. Tomorrow is Nassau already.