Christmas Magic: 2nd Sea Day
I woke up at 8 this morning. After showering and getting ready for the last day of the cruise, I took a small detour up to the Lido deck on my way to the MDR. I wanted to drop off my pizza plate from last night with the guy collecting dishes.
Carnival recommends leaving these plates in the hallway with a napkin covering the remaining food because they have people who come around and collect those plates. .
Since I like a clean hallway and I don’t want to put additional work on my room steward, in this case Jesus, I try to take my plate back to the buffet area myself.

I don’t believe I shared the weekly entertainment schedule yet.

Main Dining Room
After dropping my plate off in the buffet, I headed downstairs to the main dining room for brunch. Here is a look at the line.

There’s that guy on the right giving out coffee. Camo girl in front of me gets coffee, cream, sugar, spoon–the whole nine yards.
If I get regular coffee I drink it black. When asked if I want coffee I say “Sure, I’ll take a cup.” In the five seconds it took this guy to pour a cup of black coffee the line moved and everyone who was behind me in line moved in front of me.
It turned out to be not a big deal because we were all seated in less than a minute. But nobody moved in front of the girl in front of me. They have the coffee guy in the line so you don’t have to get out of line and lose your spot to get coffee. I think it’s rude and I don’t believe it would’ve happened if I weren’t alone.
I ordered the 12 hour French toast, hash browns and ham.

This is my first time getting the 12 hour french toast so I have nothing to compare it to but it seems undercooked on the inside.
I just ate my hashbrowns and ham. The waiter said it was too thick and offered me something else but I declined. There’s plenty of food around here if I’m hungry.

With this french toast and the parfait from the other day, I think I’ve had more dining problems on this ship than all of the others combined.
After breakfast I decided to head up to the promenade deck to grab a fancy coffee.
“Not edible.” I love it! I really don’t think they had that sign on the Dream last year.

Quick! To my archives

Out of New Orleans do not touch. Out of Florida do not eat.
Coffee Shop
I ordered a Peppermint Mocha. Luby from Alchemy is making coffee this morning.

Ocean Plaza
I remember on a Sea Day last year they were making Christmas Cards in Ocean Plaza. This year they’re making Ornaments.

Main Lounge
The Live Morning Show is happening in the Main Lounge. You can also watch this on the TV in your cabin. Some ships broadcast it on the big screen on lido deck and some don’t.

After the morning show I went down to the Atrium bar but the bartender that makes a good Bloody Mary isn’t working. I’m going to try my luck at the Serenity bar instead.
I heard something coming out of the lounge so I took a peek. The Debarkation briefing was going on. I know the drill. I don’t need to sit through it.

I’m never in a hurry to get off and tomorrow is no different. I had a choice between an early flight or a late flight. I went with late. I don’t have to be anywhere until Tuesday. I hate being rushed on vacation.
Here is the Debarkation Information sheet.

Deck 11
I”m making my way over to the Serenity bar. This is the walking track. I’m not much of a rule follower.

I can see another ship out there.

I think it’s another Carnival ship.

Love your burgers man!

Serenity Bar
I’m getting my vegetables. This one is pretty good.

I liked it so I ordered another.

The Serenity bartenders and waiter are good…and fun. I really do like the vibe at these Serenity bars. Down on the lido everyone is fighting for drinks and attention from the bartenders. It’s much less crowded up here–Quieter and more interaction with the bar staff.
Banana Colada

You just have to make sure you don’t stay on serenity so long that you miss important events.

After the Very hairy chest contest I walked back to the aft pool area.

Main Dining Room
The br part of brunch was a bust so I thought I’d try the unch. I remember someone saying they have good burgers so I thought I’d try one. I went with the aft deck which is a brisket burger. Sometimes a brisket burger is a burger with brisket on it. In this case the brisket was the burger.

We walked past plenty of perfectly fine tables to seat me at a table for eight. They then proceeded to use the other end of the table for dinner prep.

Lido Deck
After unch I headed back up to lido to watch the ice carving demonstration.

While he’s working on that I’m going to grab a Pina Colada.

Main Lounge
The Cruise Director Q&A session is always interesting. They give you a behind the scenes look at crew life and sometimes tell funny stories. I’ve been to a lot of these but in this case I learned something I hadn’t heard before.
A trick to tell the port side from the starboard side is to face the front of the ship and think about the P.S. on a letter.

After the Q&A I went back to the room to work on packing. I like to find a dead spot in the afternoon to get as much done as possible so I can enjoy the evening. My plan is to be at the Alchemy Bar when they open at 4pm.
Ocean Plaza
I forgot about the luggage tags. People really don’t want to get off this ship. It’s 3:45 and there are still 8’s and 9’s. The group ahead of me purposely picked numbers in the 20’s. I’m taking the lowest number I can get because you never know what could happen with delays.
I don’t have to get off when they call my number, but I can get off when they call my number.
That 8 looks like a good one. This is one of those times when being solo can be an advantage. Most people need multiple numbers for their party. I only need one. So if there’s one low number left most people can’t use it but I can.

Alchemy Bar
Luby made this one for me.

Main Lounge
The Christmas show is happening in the Main Lounge.

Alchemy Bar
After the Christmas show I headed back to a Alchemy but it’s loaded down. They have NFL trivia going on so there could be a bunch of trivia players taking up the bar seats.
I went next door and grabbed a water from the Red Frog Pub. When I returned two seats were open at the Alchemy.
Luby made this. These pineapples contain liquor as well.

The lady next to me wanted the same drink. I ate one of my pineapples. She shared one with a few people near her. None of them would take more than one bite of it.
I wasn’t going to eat in the steakhouse tonight but I had some onboard credit left over so I added another night.

On the way into the steakhouse I saw the Platinum/Diamond event was going on in the Comedy Club. Today is my 73rd day on a Carnival ship. I’ll be invited next time.

Back to dinner. This is compliments of the chef. At first I thought it was a tater tot. It’s actually a shrimp.

Stuffed Mushrooms


Mac N Cheese


Cabin hallway
I did not put the snoozing sign out today. Dinner took a little longer since it’s the steakhouse so there’s hope Jesus could be done with my room.
I slowly approach the hallway and peek around the corner. The cart is on this end of the hall and my room is in the middle of the hall.
I take a step out into the hallway and from behind I hear “HELLO GREG! A THANK A YOU!” I turn around and Jesus is right behind me.
If you read my Glory 3rd Sea Day entry which included debarkation morning, this is the moment we have all been waiting for.

Let it snow is happening in the Atrium.

Alchemy Bar
After “Let it Snow” I headed to the Alchemy for a cocktail. Luby said this one looks like an octopus but it isn’t.

Comedy Club
After the first late night comedy show I went to my room to put my suitcase out in the hallway for pickup. Then I headed back to the comedy club for Azeem’s last show already in progress.

Back to the room for some sleep. Debarkation is in the morning.