Celebration: Travel Day
Good morning. For the first time I am using the remote south parking lot at DFW airport. I should’ve asked Siri from the start. I thought I could just drive to the airport and find it on my own. I thought wrong.
When I got out of the airport, Siri informed me it was an 8-mile drive around the airport to the south lot. I think I would’ve been right there had I gone out the south exit.
This will help me remember where I parked. It’s a nice little walk in the rain.
I’m hoping that’s my shuttle.
That was not my shuttle. That was a parked shuttle. Another one came through that was for terminals A, B, & C. There’s another bus that goes to terminals D & E. I’m in terminal E.
Fortunately the next bus was mine. I’m on the shuttle at 3:50am which is 30 minutes after I arrived at the airport.
At least now if anyone asks why I have a wet monkey hanging on my suitcase, I have an excuse.
Terminal E at 4:05am. I’m running 30 minutes behind schedule.
I used the kiosk and self bag drop. The line for self bag drop is much shorter than the regular bag drop. They have two people working it this time instead of the one like last time. That’s good because a lot of people need help with it.
This is the longest I’ve seen the security line. It says 24 minutes. I’m in at 4:18.
A guy comes out and says there’s no wait at the security check point by gate E32. I’m gate E33 so I head that way.
He was right.
I’m through security at 4:30. Boarding begins in 20 minutes.
I opted against coffee this morning. 1. So maybe I can sleep on the plane. Doubtful but I’ll try. And B. So I don’t have to use the airplane restrooms. Actually make that reason #1.
There is no room for social distancing by my gate so I moved down a couple gates. 4:45….5 minutes until scheduled boarding.
5am. 30 minutes until takeoff.
The big front seats.
When I was in line to board there was an altercation. A passenger was upset. I think she was trying to bring a rolling luggage on as her personal item. I heard the employee ask “ma’am are you filming me?” Then she says “you aren’t boarding.” The passenger says “yes I am boarding.” The employee says “you are filming me. That’s rude. You aren’t boarding.” Then she (employee) pulls out her cell phone and calls in a report about the passenger…former passenger.
Boarding complete at 5:25am.
The weather is less than ideal.
Not much traffic this early.

At 7:30 we are beginning our descent. I think I fell asleep for 15-20 minutes.
They said baggage claim 4 but I didn’t come from Newark.
Looks like it’s going to be 5. They get that right about 10% of the time.
If these prices hold I’ll be going Uber.
I did save a couple hundred dollars switching my flight from Miami. So this transportation cost is no big deal.
It seems like everyone got their luggage and left. But mine isn’t here.
I went back to carousel 4 and they have DFW up there now.
This is the ride sharing area.
Let’s go with Lyft.
They adjusted the price to $62. I canceled it and got one for $49.
That 8 minutes felt like 20.
I’m booking luggage storage for my suitcase. This will be across the street from where I have him dropping me off. And two blocks from my rental. I’m booking it for my suitcase. I’ll carry my backpack with valuables with me. It’s $1/hour.
That was a bit of a hassle because the storage place wasn’t there. It was across the street. Figuring out which cigar/gift shop it was…was a challenge.
Next time we’ll do Little Havana.
Can you share the Daily Fun times? From the January Celebration trip?
Saint Greg
The Celebration cruise I am posting about now actually happened Nov 27-Dec 4. Those Fun Times are posted along with the 12/4 and 12/11 sailings. I am expecting to get the Celebration Fun Times for the 1/22 and 1/29 sailings so check back over the next couple weeks!