Celebration: Day 6
Good morning! Today is the first of two consecutive sea days as we make our way back to Miami from Honduras. Here are a few sunrise pictures.
As of 7:45am people were already laying their claim to spots on the serenity deck. I’m going to start on the starboard side and work my way around.
There’s actually a lady that’s about to get in this hot tub.
People have put things on pretty much all of these beds.
There is some lounger availability.
A lot of people were already occupying beds and loungers on the port side front and middle so I skipped those shots. It’s basically full.
A few people are laying their claim on lido. But you can still pretty much get a spot anywhere on the ship just before 8am.
Here is a look at today’s schedule of events.
Let’s check out The Ultimate Playground.
The ropes course is up there.
The basketball court. I have heard people say you can play pickleball here, but I have yet to see it setup for that.
The Bolt rollercoaster.
Ping pong and cornhole.
Who is going for the clamshells under the roller coaster track? These have to be the bottom of the barrel last clamshells available on the ship.
Mini Golf.
And we are back around. Let’s check out the Tiki Bar while I’m here.
8:15 Java blue line is non-existent for the second straight day. Maybe so many people have talked about the “secret coffee” at Bar 820 on deck 8 that this is now the new secret coffee.
I got a mocha.
I’m going to get another look at lido and coffee lines at 9am.
I caught my steward dropping off luggage tags. I also got my Platinum-Diamond party invite.
9am lido deck.

A waiter just walked by with waffles. They look good. I think I’m going to have to come back tomorrow for a waffle.

Those aren’t just eggs. It’s an entire creole omelet.
Java Blue has picked up at 9:45.
Bar 820 is also crowded.
It’s so windy outside. It has been since the white party last night. Not good if all you have is a white towel…and socks.
I am sitting at the Pig & Anchor bar and Lili, The Watering Hole bartender came in and said she going to blow away out there. Yesterday it was too sunny. Today is too windy. And it’s true.
I got a bloody mary.
Bar 820 is looking better at 10am.
I walked down a flight and took a deck 7 seat for the morning show.
They’re talking about wanting to eat Emeril’s breakfast.
Now they’re using the lido cam to look for “speedos on the lido.”
After the morning show I headed to Bar 820 for a Calle Ocho.
Then down to the Pig & Anchor for another bloody mary.
I’m getting ready for the brewery tour. For full coverage of the tour, please visit Celebration: Pig & Anchor Brewery Tour.
After the brewery tour, I checked in for lunch at Cucina.
This is a look at the lido at lunchtime.
This is what they have for Street Eats.
This is your food allergy station in the buffet.
I’m moving closer to Cucina anticipating my table being ready soon.
I stopped at Bar 820 for a drink.
This is 820 Mango.
They gave me the same table I had at dinner last night.
I’m seated next to two people from the brewery tour so we talked a lot.
I’m looking at their pizza and thinking it looks better than the pizza place. They say it is.
Mozzarella sticks and tomato soup.
I ended up trying the pizza. Apart from the vegetation I’d say the cheese and pepperoni are better balanced and the crust is softer than what you get walking up to the pizza place.
The one main on the menu that isn’t on other ships is the chicken. That is what I’d try if I did it again.
I just ate a slice of this so I can try something else later.
This lemon dessert was very good.
Chibang didn’t have a check-in for lunch option on the app but it seems to be open. I need to try to eat lunch there tomorrow.
2:45pm look at the lido deck.
I’ve been really bad about trying the new sandwiches. If the place stayed open later than 10 it wouldn’t be a problem. 8-10 seem to be the new ones.
This is the number 8.
If you remember those ham croquettes I had in Little Havana, those are on this sandwich.
Stefan made this vodka drink.
They start the PG shows early and it’s right by the Alchemy so I can knock this out quick.
Comedy host Gabby.
Happy Cole.
I am braving the heavy winds for the watermelon crush. I’ve been calling it different things on purpose. Lili didn’t say anything when I called it the watermelon smash yesterday. Today when I called it watermelon crash she laughed and said crush.
And you have punch a fist into your hand when you say crush, crash, smush, smash…it’s a very important part of the ordering process.
It looks like they’re preparing for a show at center stage.
I went back to the room got a bag of laundry together, packed my already clean clothes, and got ready for the evening.
I finally found the hair dryer
I found a need for some tums. Occasionally these super sweet drinks will do that to me and I think that alchemy drink did this time. I found some at the liquor store $4.
I’m going to try a spicy drink with a bloody mary from the Pig & Anchor.
Trevor putting on his boogie shoes.
I wonder if he was able to take that thing out in the wind today.
John Dicrosta.
This is what they were preparing for earlier.
This is the new Playlist Productions show called Color My World. You can get the full song list at Playlist Productions.
Elvis is on lido.
I still have onboard credit to use up so I made a reservation at Rudi’s today.
I did the swap the dessert for an extra appetizer deal. They said I could get the extra appetizer and dessert but I really don’t think I’m going to need it after this.
Compliments of the chef.
Butter and bread.
Lobster Mac N’ Cheese.
Coquilles Saint-Jacques.
Cioppino. There was so much seafood in this, the picture really doesn’t do it justice.
Crab stuffed lobster.
They tried to offer me dessert again but I couldn’t eat another bite.
I got another book.
This is what they had in the MDR tonight.
This is a new show called Evolution which is hosted by DJ Que. It involves his music mixed with a variety of live entertainment.
They shut this off for a medical emergency. I actually saw it on my way here. A lady was on the ground by the casino. Hopefully she’s okay.
The medical response team gets cheers as they walk through.
Now Lee is trying to talk but the mic is still cut.
And we’re back on.
After Evolution I headed to the theater for late night comedy.
Happy Cole.
Cee-Jay Jones.
Tomorrow is the last day of the cruise. Good night!