Carnival Sailabration: Day 7
Good morning. Today is a sea day and the next to last day of the cruise.
I think something bit me yesterday in Belize. I remember feeling something on my leg while I was eating at the restaurant. It hurt. I thought it may have been a sting, but I didn’t see anything. Today I have bites on my stomach and my back. I’m not sure if it happened in the restaurant or at the ruins.
I have my Off with me but I forgot to put it on. If you go to Belize, don’t forget to put the Off on.

This is the view of the sunrise from deck 10 (above lido) on the starboard side.

The coffee line was only one deep for a mocha.

Here is today’s Fun Times.

Let’s do a little tour of some areas we haven’t hit yet.
Here is the arcade on the promenade deck by the night club.

The Shore Excursions desk in the Atrium.

Guest Services also in the Atrium. I needed to stop for a replacement card so I went ahead and did that since there is no line.

The Amber Palace which is the main lounge or theater on this ship.

I finished my mocha and I’m ready to get just a regular black coffee. There were five in line at the coffee shop on the Promenade deck so I’m trying my luck on Lido. No line here.

Seeing the tong handles in all of the sausages and laying across all of the pieces of French toast isn’t going to change my mind about buffets. If I were going to get a sausage or French toast I’d take one from the back where I know the handles haven’t be laying.

I picked up a screwdriver to take to brunch.

I was sitting by the Alchemy bar waiting for my table assignment before walking down two flights of stairs to the dining room. This guy comes up and asks a crew member to take a picture of him. Apparently he has this pink t-shirt that his wife hates. Every cruise he sneaks the t-shirt on the ship and gets a picture of him wearing it somewhere on the ship to send to his wife.
He just did that sprawled out in one of these chairs.

I wanted table 500 like yesterday.

Perfect! 501 is the same table on the other side of the restaurant

This is the breakfast burger called the Aft Deck burger. I eat this one with a fork and knife.

This is really confusing. I’ve seen honey butter biscuit on the menu and it sounds good. I thought I’d order one and see what it’s like. I get it and the guy asks if I want butter. I said I thought it was a honey butter biscuit. He asks again if want butter? Sure.
It’s just a regular biscuit with regular butter. I don’t know why they call it a honey butter biscuit.

The waiter called me both Rick and George over the course of brunch.
After brunch I headed to the casino bar for a bloody mary.

The live morning show isn’t going to happen due to technical difficulties but they are still going to record it to play later. How about they actually do it live in the theater like other ships?
Since I collect the ship ornaments and i already have Glory, I thought this would be a nice one to get.

I like this new sail & sign card I got this morning. Everything is printed good on it. There’s no peeling. I’m going to put it with my card collection and tell them I lost it before guest services gets a line.
Bonus he didn’t change my folio number like he should have for a lost card. My laundry has been delivered.

I’m up at the Serenity bar for some drinks. Edy has been an excellent bartender up here.

I’m going to change things up today with a mudslide.

I got another mudslide but couldn’t wait to start drinking it so I’m not showing the top part.

Even though it’s not a traditional bar, this is my favorite Serenity bar. The bartender is behind you. But I like that you have a nice view and its well shaded. Sitting at that Serenity bar on Vista or Panorama I’ll start sweating and have to leave. I can (and have ) sat at this bar for hours before.

Edy throws in the occasional water I didn’t order for hydration.

When towel animals attack!

It’s time to Groove for St. Jude on Lido deck.

Groove for St Jude sold out of shirts in record time for this ship. Over $5,000 raised for St. Jude so far. Make that $6,000. Someone just donated $1,000.

I haven’t had a Blue Iguana burrito in a few years. I’m going to end that streak now.

I might as well get a beer that goes with the meal.

Dos Equis and a burrito. It seems like this tortilla is way too big for this size burrito. I pulled off at least 25% of that tortilla before eating the burrito.

I’m going to grab a piece of cake for dessert.

I went with the praline cake. It’s good. All of the cakes I’ve tried have been good since the restart.

I took a little nap after lunch. I woke up and it was after 3pm. I needed to get up and get ready to go to the Alchemy bar.
It’s a good thing I bought that ornament when I did. The two empty racks were the ornaments.

I made it to the Alchemy in time for opening.
Jose made these

Janniel made this one

These guys in tuxes have masks that match their vests. I bet they were ticked when the mask requirement went away.
“We bought shiny masks that match our shiny vests! Now it’s not cool anymore!”

Janniel made this cinnamon banana nut muffin drink. It’s awesome!

Janniel’s Hagen Daz chocolate chip drink. Another good one.

This is Tutti Frutti made by Janniel. What it tastes like is if you ate fruit loops. Then you drink the milk.

I’m done for the day.

I’m heading to dinner. Tonight is the special 50th birthday menu.

Here’s the birthday cake.

Caribbean music with steel drums in the casino. Someone taking a picture in the casino with a waiter has a picture of me. I just photo bombed that.

The Atrium band.

Fried mozzarella.

Caesars salad

Shrimp cocktail.

Beef wellington.

I was undecided on dessert. I asked to try both the babaloo cake and the pear William. The waiter said that was fine. I don’t know if he was waiting for me to finish the entire piece of cake before bringing the pear William or if he just forgot, but I never finished the cake and he never brought the pear William.

Liar Liar is playing on lido deck.

I headed down to comedy. Geechy Guy is on stage.

Great. Another 6-6:30am room service across the hall. That’s how I got up at 6:15 this morning. Bang bang bang “room service!” “Good morning!” “Good Morning!”

I’ve been downgraded to 4. I was a 2 in Galveston. I do still have some 2’s in my back pocket if I ever need them. Or if anyone wishes to purchase them.

Tomorrow is a sea day and the last day of the cruise. Good night!