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Alaska Jewel: Debarkation

February 9, 2024

Good morning from Vancouver! Today is debarkation day. It was really hard to get into the Palace for breakfast. The line to get off of the ship goes right in front of it.

They started debarkation at 7:30 calling all guests with self-assist/easy walk-off. That’s me but I’m going to stay on as long as possible since I have a late flight.

At 7:50 they called pink luggage tags.

For breakfast I got pancakes.

Eggs over easy, breakfast potatoes and crispy bacon.

At 8:00 they called the light blue 1 tags. The number system Carnival uses makes much more sense than calling shades of blue with numbers.

8:10 – green luggage tags 

8:18 – yellow luggage tags

I moved out to the atrium and got a mocha from Starbucks.

8:28 – light blue 3

8:35 – red

8:45 – orange
9:00 – gray and lime (seriously?)

Washy Washy.

After last call I left the ship. They scan your card outside.

Then you go down the ramp.

This is customs declaration.

This is baggage pickup. I didn’t check any luggage so I’m good.

You can see they have the luggage organized by the bag tag colors.

This is the exit.

Out there is your taxis and bus transfers.

Debarkation went pretty smooth for me. It is much easier when you wait until everyone else is off of the ship though.