A Christmas Dream: Embarkation
Port of New Orleans
I had a 12pm arrival appointment. I arrived on my shuttle from the Country Inn & Suites at 12:08.
The last time I was here entrance B had a long line which was the early arrivers–people who arrived before their check-in. If you arrived on time you could go in entrance A and go immediately upstairs. Now they’re sending everyone that isn’t priority to entrance B. So unless they’re weeding people out inside, I guess it pays to get here before you arrival appointment now.
I made it upstairs to security but this line is still way longer than last time. It’s moving pretty quick though.
I’m through security. Last time we had to sit in zones at this point. That part has been eliminated. You just get in line to board after security.
First meal at Pasta Bella.

I just realized I didn’t get any bread. “ you want bread? Three dollars!”
After pasta I had to use the bathroom. I needed space since I still have my huge backpack so I headed to deck 4 where nobody is ever using the bathroom because nobody is ever on deck 4.
I noticed they had a church service going on down there. Not in the bathroom…In the conference room deck 4 mid.
Atrium Bar
Next I headed down to the Atrium on deck 3 and was able to snag an atrium bar seat for my first drink: The Funship

And I’m in my room. I that back light is flickering. Hopefully I can get them to fix it. Just put on some music and I could run a night club in here.

Casino Bar
Funship #2 at the Casino bar. We’ve got some NFL action going on in here.

I guess you could call this guy a ship head. Or an aft hat.

I disinfected the entire room. The bathroom twice. Not that I don’t think the stewards do a fantastic job of cleaning the place.

A look inside my drawers.

Open my drawers and….never mind.

For anyone who doesn’t know how to use soap.

Comedy Club
There you are. Tall and beautiful. Smooth and tan. Curvy yet firm. Nobody appreciates you like I do. Nobody spends as much time with you. We’ve been together so many late nights. We’ve shared so many laughs…and we shall have many more in the future.

Ooops. I think I just crashed a wedding.

Casino Bar
Funship #3 for the safety briefing.

Atrium Bar
I’m not in my normal cabin and I’m not at my normal muster station. But I found it! B3 level 3 dining room. They haven’t opened it yet so while every one else is in line, I’m at the atrium bar.

Note: nobody ever laughs when I walk through muster station C4 and say “this is an explosive muster station.”
Are we doing a muster drill here or parking an airplane?

“Bartender! Jobu needs a refill!”

I sat at the bar until the line went down then walked up and said “hey no line!” when she scanned my card. Then on my way to sit down they call me out on the microphone to check in. They did another announcement less than a minute later and I wasn’t on it. I like this a lot better than that cramped theater. I got a seat close to the door. And I was able to sit at the bar before coming in here. It’s a nice muster station.
Alchemy Bar
Maria at alchemy made this she calls it Christmas in Hawaii. It has vodka, pineapple and a couple of other things.

Vodka based strawberry pineapple drink.

This is a pink lemonade tasting drink.

All previous Alchemy drinks were made by Maria. This one is made by Manol. It’s a blackberry vodka drink.

On the way back to the room before dinner. Happy seeing all of the luggage in the hallway. Sad to not see my suitcase outside my door. Happy when I opened the door.

I left a note for the steward about the light.


Strawberry bisque, beef brisket with broccoli and Mac n cheese, chocolate melting cake

I returned to the room after dinner and the light was fixed!

Here is the entertainment schedule for the week.

Here is the schedule of events for the day.

Alchemy Bar
Grey Goose L’Orange and passion fruit

Main Lounge
Clue as seen from my perch. I like to watch the intro the first night if I’m not doing something else. But I’ve never done or seen anything beyond that.

Comedy Club
The Comedy club is filling up. It’s not quite full yet with two minutes until showtime. I’ve been here for less than 15 mins and the place was probably 70% full then.
This comedy club manger was my fill in CD on Triumph in 2016 and Freedom in 2017.
Casino Bar
I’m catching the end of Sunday Night Football at the casino bar. It’s tied 30-30 with three minutes to go.
The Chargers miss the game winning field goal. Then get a shot 5 yards closer because the Steelers were called offsides (didn’t look like it to me). The second attempt is blocked but the Steelers were called offsides (they were that time). He gets a 3rd shot from 5 yards closer and makes it to win the game. Chargers 33 Steelers 30.
Comedy Club
I’m in the comedy club for the late show. I’m going to say it was 50% full 20 minutes until showtime. We’re at 10 mins till showtime now. I have high hopes. This is Just June. She seems to be one of the most popular carnival comics on the punchliner fan page.

Five minutes until showtime. There’s still plenty of open space–entire rows available. There are only two of us at the bar.
Night Club
I was heading to the Alchemy after late night comedy but passing the nightclub something seemed different. I step in and the CD is hosting some sort of…adult games.

I’ve seen this before but it was on Freedom. They had it just before Quest there.

Alchemy Bar
This is like a deal closer with raspberry.

Night Club
This is from the nightclub. It’s called the Turn-Table. It’s vodka, peach schnapps, orange and cranberry juice.

Pizza place

I fell asleep with Scooby-Doo on last night and didn’t know what happened to the remote…so it was Scooby-Doo until I got up and found it.