A Christmas Dream: Cozumel
Good morning from Cozumel!

I’m getting an up close look at my next ship this morning.

Let’s see what’s going on in Havana.

We’re also in port with Harmony of the Seas.

Last port day and the towel animals are out.

I grabbed a little breakfast from the Lido deck.

I woke up at 8 this morning. I probably would’ve slept till 9 but one of my neighbors decided it was time for me to get up–Loud banging. I don’t know if they’re slamming doors or lifting free weights or what. I just can’t imagine making that much noise unless I slip and fall in the shower.
That SPF 70 did the trick yesterday. It seems I may have missed the tip of my nose though. I guess if there is a time of year to have a red nose, this is it. I was definitely feeling that temple climb in my legs when I got up this morning.
I’m trying the pumpkin spice latte. Not bad..but not great. I’ll try the peppermint mocha tomorrow.
I don’t have any big plans today. I’ve been to Cozumel a lot. I’ve never been in December though. I’m going to take a taxi downtown and see what kind of Christmas decorations they have up.
Here is today’s schedule.

On my way to get off the ship…in the elevator lobby a couple of blue cards come up in their pajamas and say “sir, can you tell us where we need to go with this muster thing?” I break the news that it’s just a drill for the crew and that they typically do them when most of the guests are ashore. Blue card was like “THEY WOKE US UP!”
There’s a Princess ship on the other side of Vista.

There are also a couple of ships downtown.

It’s frustrating as heck trying to get through the narrow walkway in this store the force you to walk through…especially with shoppers clogging up the path out.

Taxi Prices

I took a taxi downtown. Here are the downtown ships.

I took it easy today. I just took a cab downtown—walked around and had a few Dos Equis. I saw a guy steal a hat from a street vendor. Someone stopped him around the corner and the vendor caught up with him and punched him in the face.
Then I took a cab back to the pier and had some nachos at panchos backyard.

Alchemy Bar
When the Alchemy opened I asked Manol to make me a pre-dinner drink.

I ordered a Fun Ship at dinner.

Spring rolls and Greek salad.

Tilapia, broccoli, baked potato

Chocolate Melting cake, Mickey Mouse style.

I did settle in with the dining team I had the second night after problems with the other team on night three. The second team has been great and I should recognize them here.

Alchemy Bar
I asked Maria for an after dinner drink.

I’d also like to say while I don’t agree with his treatment of towel animals, my steward has the room cleaning thing down. It’s done every night when I get back from dinner.

Main Lounge
I decided to check out some of the America Rocks show. That’s the only one I haven’t seen on a different cruise. I didn’t think the music in any of these playlist shows was live..but that’s the band that is normally playing in ocean plaza at night.

Alchemy Bar
After the show I went back to the Alchemy. I had some time to kill before the comedy show.
I asked Suri to make me something. This is interesting when you take a sip it starts out sour and then goes sweet. It’s good.

One from Manol.

I’m in the elevator. A guy with a diamond card on his chest and flames on his visor walks in. Why do you need a visor indoors at 9pm? I think have a good one. As soon as he walks in I say “that hat is hot!” Not funny to Mr. Hot Diamond.
Comedy Club
I’ve been in the comedy club for about 10 minutes. I came in the same time last night and the bar was full already. I took a standing position and fortunately a spot opened up before the show. Tonight I get here the same time and the bar is totally empty. Now we’ve got one spot open. 2 minutes to showtime the club is at 90% capacity with more coming in.
And we’ve gone to standing room only.
Hot diamond!

Alchemy Bar
After comedy I headed to the Alchemy. I’m stuck in no man’s land but least I got a seat. Manol made this. I started drinking before I took the picture.

This is a raspberry mojito from Suri. Very tasty.

Comedy Club
You have got to be kidding me. This guy is crunching on chips next to me at the comedy show. As many hours as I have in this seat, I’ve never seen food up here.

Alchemy Bar
I’m back at alchemy. This is another great drink from Suri.

Last call at the Alchemy. Another Suri drink and he’s figured out that I order a water when they close every night.

Night Club
I hit nightclub after alchemy and it’s less dead than last night. But still pretty sad. The bartender here remembers I had a sea cow last night so I’m going with it.
I have to say I’ve been disappointed by the comedy club bar. For whatever reason I drink beer in the comedy club. It was Guinness when they had it and now it’s Sam Adams. I don’t like drinking beer out of a can so I order it in a glass. And I drop $1 for each. The last Dream cruise Brad was all over it. I set foot in the comedy club and he’s on it. If he’s not behind the bar he screams it at whoever is. Roger was the backup. Same thing on Breeze. I set foot in the comedy club and Ernie was on it..and Lin was his backup. Now Brad is gone and Roger is working somewhere else. Has to be tequila or the bar in the back of lido because those are the only two I don’t frequent. This bartender knows my drink but still waits for me to order. And sometimes makes a bunch of mixed drinks before taking my beer order.
Seriously? I opted out of this day 1.

We’ll put a stop to that. Nobody likes a mess.